Accusations and The Kingdom Of Darkness

I think I heard Frank Viola say it first but I feel I need to write this for my readers. The kingdom of darkness operates primarily by accusation.

The kingdom of darkness is a spiritual kingdom that occupies the spiritual place over most of humanity. It is a kingdom with a king, with hierarchy and with an ugly anti-Jesus agenda.

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has shone light.

Isaiah 9:2

He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son.

Colossians 1:13

The kingdom of darkness is separate and distinct from the kingdom of Jesus Christ. It is also contrary to and is hostile to the kingdom of Jesus Christ. The kingdom of darkness operates by certain predictable laws and cultural norms.

It functions through people voicing and spewing accusations. It also is in constant pursuit of power over the peoples of the earth by controlling human government. It causes its followers to pursue places of governmental power. In order to impose itself on the rest of humanity through accusation, and ultimately by stealing, killing, and destroying.

The kingdom of darkness’ primary mode of operation and interaction with humanity is accusation. Accusation is extremely effective at controlling people. Satan the king of the kingdom of darkness accuses God’s people relentlessly. It reminds me of the book of Job when Satan started accusing Job to God for no other reason than jealousy after God had commended Job.

Fast forward to here and now, I’ve found that the fastest way to determine if a person is following Satan, on accident or intentionally is to listen intently for their accusations against others. I don’t care if they are a pastor in front of adoring fans with inspiring mic in hand or a vile lonely sinner. If the person is spewing accusations at others, be they well crafted and eloquent or a foul tongued and cruel rant, he is cooperating with Satan with his accusations..

I don’t care if the person is a registered saint with the Vatican or if he is a murderer on death row. Satan followers are chock full of accusations for other people. They just cannot help themselves.

The presence and domination of accusations can also be an internal red flag for yourself. Are you staring to accuse people of things you have no idea are true or are valid about that person. Is it just a suspicion? are you projecting your own heart onto others you don’t like or trust? If so you should realize that Satan needs your insecurity and disregard for Jesus Christ in order to control and use you in his work of accusation.

Repent of accusing people, make a 180 and bless your enemies, pray for your enemies, do good to them in word and deed. The same ones you were just accusing. Stop accusing, even if you know they are true and follow the one true Lord Jesus Christ, the king of mercy and forgiveness and blessing. Then if they deserve it in truth, it will be like heaping coals of fire on their heads. But that is not our call to make, because sometimes … even quite often we are wrong about people.

What is the last false accusation that was aimed at you?

Alternative to the World System

Happy new year 2021! Thanks for reading, 2020 was the best year yet for this blog.

I listened to a prepper/ homesteader livestream the other day, a good man and a man I believe is in tune with the terrible situation of the world right now. But something occurred to me while listening that I wanted to share on here.

The alternative to the world system which is controlled and motivated and gets its life from Satan. With his principalities and powers in high places. Is not just to set out to be independent of that wicked system, it’s not to set up an alternative system because we hate it so with its conspiring against God and it’s wicked plans and motives.

The alternative system is already there. It’s already in place and good enough to strongly counter anything satan has devised. Jesus Christ himself.

On earth it is already set up, it is the ecclesia which already is the alternative to the world’s government system, and its food system, and its medical system, its entertainment system and its educational system.

Jesus Christ himself and those in whom he dwells are the only legitimate alternative. And it exists not in its own earthly homeland, it exists all over the earth. Right in the middle of Satan’s world system and on real estate Satan things he controls.

As disappointing and lacking as the ecclesia may seem to us sometimes. He and them (us) are the only alternative. Just like Jesus must have been such a disappointment to the Jewish disciples, who wanted a political messiah to rescue them.

When we set out to be independent, to avoid the world system and to set up alternative works systems, we are doing the same thing as the world has and is doing. Setting up a life systems independent of God. Even If we succeed and set up something good. Satan can easily hijack them in a few years if it’s not of and by and for Jesus Christ.

If it’s for us … it won’t be long before it’s …for Satan.

I’m also not saying that God doesn’t sometimes lead people to get off the grid and farm but that is not a blanket path for us all. For some people that is sinfully running and hiding when he wants us to stand and testify. Even to take ground at risk of personal harm.

For some people, setting out to create an alternative life-system is the equivalent of us running like Cain, running from the garden, setting up his own cities (Enoch) that provide, and protect, and entertain independently after we’ve run from Gods garden.

kissing Jesus while betraying him

Declaration of Independence v. Jesus Christ

The Declaration of Independence

In Congress, July 4, 1776

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another,

and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them,

a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

Adam: notice is the first paragraph of this declaration of independence the foundation of this new government is the assumption of separate but equal powers among the earth. The founders felt it was their right and duty to form a separate but equal government among and as one of the powers of the earth. The list of reasons are brilliant the maturity and integrity of these men seems to be impeccable. The logic and bravery of these men is supremely admirable.

BUT a desire to establish a government among the other powers of the earth is a dangerous thing. A motive and a line of logic that does not jive well with the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ. This is the foundation of our government and it is not a thing of Jesus Christ. It is a motive with a foundation of of Satan. To pursue power among the powers of the earth is equivalent to budging our way at the table of the wicked principalities and powers in high places talked about in scripture (Eph 3:10, Eph 1:21, Rom 8:38). These men were tired of the persecution of the King of England and decided to violently push their way to the table of power that he was oppressing them from.

I love America I think it has the best form of government yet conceived on earth. Don’t get me wrong with this post, I believe our founding is truly a story of bravery and standing up to tyranny. But I cannot see the motives and logic of our founding when they declared independence and took up arms as something of Jesus Christ. I don’t believe that they were being led of the Holy Spirit as Jesus followers.

I believe they were being led by desire for a seat at the table among the powers of the earth. They wanted to be a peer to the kings of the earth. And their harsh treatment made it much easier to push them over the edge. Would they have if England had treated them well? We will never know.

We’ve seen this before:

  • Israel demanded they be like the other nations when they demanded a king like Saul. (1 Samuel 8:7)
  • The followers of Jesus asked for militant messiah-king to get them out from under the Romans. (John 6:15)
  • Satan tempted Jesus with a kingship over all the world. (Matthew 4:8-10).
  • Many Christians in the 4th century church succumbed to the temptation of political power and favor by embracing Emperor Constantine and his required Christian religion over Rome. (Read the history of Rome from AD 300 to about AD 330.)

Countless governments throughout modern history have embraced the idea of Christendom, the merging of human government with the church.

Its a history of carnage and error.

I write this post to put to rest (perhaps mostly in my own head) the idea that the formation of the American govnermnt was a thing of divine origin.

I know many of the men involved were wonderful well meaning men but I do believe they were deeply mistaken about the nature of human government and the ecclesia of Jesus Christ. They were living and reacting according to the gospel they had embraced which was likely supportive of ideas of Christendom and that the gospel was essentially just a lesson in how to get to heaven.

Had they heard the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ, they may not have bothered with a revolution and a war. It may have been thrust upon them anyhow but we can never know that.

Would it not have been better if the king would have freely granted their freedom? Repented of his cruelty and violence and left them alone with motives of Christian love and freedom. And perhaps even helped them to form an even more perfect government and not sustained such a devastating loss of life and wealth in defeat in the process?

The way of Jesus Christ is better. Turning the other cheek is superior. Suffering persecution is better than striking back. Jesus can work out what we think only violence can bring us.

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