001-The Human Creativity Podcast, [PodcastRelaunch], The Alignment, Purpose of Creativity


001 – The Human Creativity Podcast – The Re-launch…The Great Alignment, The Purpose of Creativity

Announcements: Welcome to the first episode of the Human Creativity Podcast I am Adam Collier creativity and innovation entrepreneur, with each episode we bring a message that helps you the listener to discover to understand and to unleash your unique creative abilities.

I’ve been taking 4 month break in order to build my business platform here on this site and to create products. The goal of my business is to help you to understand, to discover and to unleash your unique creative abilities.  To this end I am creating a video e-course helping people to become more creative. 

This podcast is now aligned with my online business effort, I no longer plan to  create content online as a hobby but as a business.

Cliff Ravenscraft recently posted a show about relaunching and repurposing a podcast here, this episode came at a perfect time for me.

I now wish to launch this podcast as The Human Creativity Podcast, I will discuss human creativity from many angles but with a common perspective of science, engineering and technology.

The RSS feed and iTunes feed will not change, only the name and emphasis of the show. As always thank you for listening now let the creativity flow.

The three parts that will be in this show…breaking show up into segments or acts. Creativity Tips, Foundations, STEM Creativity Thought Leadership

Act 1 Creativity Tip:

The first step in becoming more creative is to believe that we are creative, creativity expresses itself in many ways that we may not be accustomed to viewing as creative.  Many of us are active creators and we just don’t view it that way.  The creativity of others is buried under years of mental clutter, emotional wounds and/or pessimism, I want to help people to bring their creativity to the surface.

If you are not creative, I think the first thing you want is to change your mindset, say out loud and tell someone today “I am creative”

There are four creative languages that I teach in my upcoming creativity Video E-course, the researcher, the developer, the artist, the connector, sign up for the email list to get early bird pricing.

Act 2 Creativity Foundations:

Different But Not Superior

Human creativity can be compared to a human body, there are many parts none are superior or inferior. All equally important, the scientist is no less creative than the singer, the musician is no less creative than the carpenter.  We need every form of human creativity firing on all cylinders to solve the worlds biggest problems. The creativity and ingenuity is present, we only need to bring it out of us.

1 Cor 12:18 But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. 21 The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!”

Act 3 Creativity thought leadership

The real purpose of creativity:

  • Musicians create music experiences which send messages
  • Actors create informative or entertaining experiences which send messages
  • Artist create art which usually sends a message .
  • Scientists create technology to better lives and to solve problems.
  • Inventors create things to improve lives, to make life easier and to create solutions to common problems.
  • Academics create messages or compile or package knowledge which sends messages.
  • Farmers create food in order to solve the problem of hunger.

Two common themes or purposes to creativity are sending messages and solving problems.  Say with me “I solve problems” and “I have a message to share”

Check out our iTunes link, stitcher link, FB share, Twitter share, email list at collieradam.com/love

Please subscribe in iTunes, please join my email list, thank you for listening.

Collaboration e-book:

012 Podcast, Blogging At Work

This is Adam Collier and you are listening to the social layer podcast helping your business to accelerate, to grow healthy and to use social enterprise networking (ESN).


  • I will be attending the SCORRE CONFERENCE in May in Orlando Florida
  • I am currently taking the course HOW TO PROFIT FROM WHAT YOU ALREADY KNOW with Ray Edwards, please take this course with me  I fully expect this course to revolutionize this website, to revolutionize our family income, and to possibly revolutionize the type of content that I share via blogging and podcast so please stay tuned and be ready for changes.
  • Check out my blog posts at collieradam.com


Feature Segment: Blogging at Work

  • The best foundation to blogging is content marketing. Blogging creates waves of listeners. Blog at work in order to be helpful to your colleagues, to get noticed by leadership, to help you move up the ladder, to make your company and organization successful faster.


Three Reasons Why You Should Consider Blogging at Work:

  1. Share your expertise.
  2. Display your passion and set yourself apart from the pack within your company.
  3. Intentional content sharing sparks collaboration, relationships.


How to Blog at Work:

  • MS Sharepoint has a blogging tool available
  • If this is not an option try simple file sharing on Yammer
  • Another option is posting blog posts directly to the walls of your social networking group pages.


Content marketing with blogging creates waves of leads that are sometimes converted to customers for business.  Content marketing for employees can create waves of collaboration, waves of attention from leaders and possibly waves of raises and promotions in the right work culture.


Thank you for listening, please rate this podcast in iTunes here. This helps the show get noticed by others.

011 Community Building, Innovation Employee Engagement


Building networked communities has become much easier in the past few years, find out why and hear some best practices in this episode. Adam also discusses how to increase employee engagement and why it is so critical to technology innovation teams.




    • I will be attending the SCORRE Conference in May in Orlando FL, Ken Davis and Michael Hyatt host this conference to help attendees with communication skills.  You should join us.
    • Ray Edwards Course on creating an information products check out Ray’s blog and podcast here.
    • My ESN market research e-book is ready, waiting on Ray’s course for a little guidance.
    • My500Words Challenge, writing 500 words with Jeff Goins, check out his blog at goinswriter.com

Feature Segment – Building Communities

There are many types of communities in our lives; there are personal communities, there are friendships, there are social media connections and now there are social enterprise communities forming at work.


These communities need to be managed, they need stewardship, it is recommended that there be an actual position called Community Steward for new social networks.


5 responsibilities of an ESN Community Steward

    1. Content Creation (yourself and/or others should create content for new members to consume day one)
    2. Market/ sell the community and its value to potential community members.
    3. Educate Users on Technology, how to actually use the software.
    4. Educate on expectations/ ground rules, how should the network be used, what is appropriate content for posting.
    5. Obsolete yourself, make the community grow and produce content spontaneously, just like FB and twitter does currently.


With some ambition we can also create our own communities such as:

  • Mastermind groups for business
  • Church or non-profits networks for members to connect and get things done together.
  • Topical study groups, bible studies, women’s/ men’s groups.


We can create these personal communities to help people, to run our business and to grow our influence. These communities can be created using (or enhanced by) software such as FB Groups, Kona, Wishlist, Basecamp, Tibbr, Socialcast, and many others.  Be ambitious create a new community.


Social Layer Segment – Engagement in Tech Innovation Employee Teams


Employee behavior engagement (not to be confused with ESN community engagement mentioned above) has a large impact on employee productivity and on long-term employee retention.  This cultureamp.com article cites the top five engagement drivers.


Below I list three ways to increase employee engagement:


  1. Gently force employees to move around the company, to cross train, to acquire new skills if they are stagnant/ complacent and not growing.  However, make sure to allow people time to mature, this can be a long-term process, disengagement does not equal poor performance.
  2. Create two visions, one vision for the company growth (most get this right) another for employee growth.  This vision should not be in the unwritten rules, the rumor mills, or meaningless rhetoric from HR, this vision should be leaders speaking from the platform at a variety of levels with the same vision.
  3. Tear down cliques, popularity clubs by rewarding good behavior and good productivity regardless of identity politics.


Innovation teams in particular benefit from full engagement, and not only engagement from an elite few.

  • In R&D innovation teams, layers should not exist; it is wise to avoid having a scientist layer, an engineer layer, a technician layer, a union worker layer that do not mix well together.
  • Making cultural changes such as this can best be done at the top levels of leadership.
  • There are many low-level employees that may have amazing ideas and insights but won’t share them because they believe that they will not be given credit, they believe this because they are discouraged and disengaged.


Are there any communities that you would like to build or join?
Would you be interested in joining an innovation mastermind group?
Are you engaged in your current position?

Please comment below or email me directly at adam@colliersengineering.com


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