Quick Decisions About Who To Spend Time With

Not too long ago I realized the importance of supporting other people.  At the same time I realized how I had been (and had not been) supported in my own life. Supporting other  people can mean different things to different people, to many support means encouraging people in fulfilling dreams and goals, to others it means simply not tearing them down. 

I believe that all children need and deserve a strong support system as they grow up, unfortunately children have no control over this.  Adults however can remodel and drastically improve the quality of their support system when necessary.  Every adult can improve their personal support system by making the following four quick decisions

  1. Decide to be supportive of others, the people who respond to our support and encouragement will likely return the favor and be our encouragment when we need it. Look for opportunities to support and encourage others, especially children who are still developing self-esteem.  If they are pursuing a dream or pursuing a creative effort go out of your way to support them.
  2. Decide to remove people from your life who are intentionally negative or un-supportive.  There are at least two types of people in this category
    •  Optional friends or acquaintances who we can easily marginalize from your life.
    • Un-supportive family or long time friends. These people we don’t want to eliminate from our life  but there are things we should do with these people, see number 3.
  3. Decide to ignore the effect of un-supportive loved-ones.  You don’t want to eliminate deer loved ones who are not supportive of you, unless they are abusive, but we do want to reduce their effect on our creativity and our life-dreams.  If we can identify the un-supportive, the competitive loved ones we can choose to not include them or ask for their input on our dreams and goals.  Chances are they will be negative so their advice, their input and their counsel is unwelcome. “Don’t argue with those who reject you that is the strategy of a fool” James Altucher  Ignore discouragement from chronically negative people, don’t seek their advice and don’t try to change their minds, if they still want to cram discouragement and negativity into your life then begin to firmly set up a strong boundaries.
  4. Decide to seek out supportive people. To look a bit deeper,  in this category there are two sub-types of people
      1. Supportive people who are indifferent to you, they are not negative or discouraging yet they don’t have the connection with you, they don’t particularly like you or feel drawn to you but are generally kind and not negative.
      2. Supportive people who love and encourage us.  These are the people that will support us, these are the people that we want in our lives. These are the people who will give us new ideas toward fulfilling goals and dreams. These are the priceless people that we want in our mastermind groups and should be willing to pay for their influence in our lives.  These people can be hard to come by but they are out there. This is the type of person that we should strive to become.

I recently have made it my personal ambition to be this type of person to as many people as possible, to go out of my way to encourage children in their ambitions and dreams and to find those core people who I can encourage and support in life.  Will you join me in this ?

I would love to help you to be more creative, to that end I am writing the final chapter in my Unleashing Creativity book, video course and creativity test.  I am looking for beta testers who would be willing to take my creativity test which will categorize you into one of the four creativity languages that I spoke about in episode 4 of my podcast. Please comment below and I will send you the test, this test still needs to written into code but the structure is there.  Please comment below or send me an email at collierak@me.com to get access.

Secret Shortcuts To Becoming More Creative


I believe that human creativity is the greatest frontier that is yet to be explored.  I know that is a big statement I realize most people think this is a pretty well understood topic; but I don’t think it is.  There is an ability to create within human beings that I believe we have only scratched the surface on.  A part in most human beings that is locked up and yet to be accessed.

I believe that we have only scratched the surface of the human creative potential. A tiny minority of people on this planet possess the vast majority of education and wealth and those with education and wealth are more free to access the creative side of their life.  What if that were not the case? What if all the human creative potential was realized throughout the world?  What if global politics did not hinder and squash the lives of people and of their God-given creative potential?  What if the deceptions and emotional abuse of people did not conceal their creativity for a lifetime?  Imagine if all of human creativity was active and vibrant and growing!  This ideal may not be realized until things fundamentally change on this planet and I am convinced they will.  But until that time, everyone can learn to become more creative. Even now rich and poor alike can learn how to tap into their creativity to improve their lives.

Every person can grow in their creativity by taking the following creativity steps.

  1. Determine to focus on ‘inner work’. ‘Inner work’ is just another word used for personal development, looking within, dealing with the emotional wounds or with weaknesses and strongholds that hold us back in life.
  2. Discover or rediscover how we create. I believe that we were created to create. We may do this with art, with music, with science, with construction, with relationships, with forming companies, with creating and volunteering and with countless other ways… You are a creator, however life or mistakes or toxic beliefs may have that part of you under wraps, but it is in there, discover or rediscover what that is, write it down and tell someone close to you who will not discourage. If you don’t have a good support system surrounding you then email me at collierak@me.com, I’d love to connect.
  3. Document creative dreams?  “what would it look like if I had complete freedom to create?” For example, I love to teach people, if I could study and teach all day long what would it look like? Well, it would look like this: “I would get up very early to study, I would break down the topic into smaller more manageable points, I would create teaching products that help people.  Then people would come to me and I would teach them what I know, they would be receptive, I would be inspiring and life would be great.”
  4. Write down what hinders.  Imagining freedom in that area of life is fun, now ask yourself what is it that restrains you? Write that down, it could be lack of discipline, it could be lack of money, it could be an addiction, it could be an unfair situation. Whatever you believe it is; write it down.
  5. Start creating anyway.  Now ignore what hinders you and start creating in small increments, taking small steps of creativity consistently can get momentum growing. Before you know it you are becoming increasingly free to create and to do more of what we were created to do.

This is only an overview of a process I am developing, if you feel stuck or hindered just try this… it worked for me!

1)    I have written an e-book titled Increasing Collaboration, I just got it back from the editor. Sign up for my email list by June 30th to get a free copy before its available for sale.

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2)    I am creating an online course for discovering and releasing inner creativity. This is a 5 module course delivered online or via email. This course will teach and take people through a plan to start creating how they were intended to create. Sign up for my email list to find out when this video course is available and to get access to early pricing.

3)    Podcast re-branding: The Human Creativity Podcast with Adam Collier first episode will be published this month. Podcast RSS feed is still http://feeds.feedburner.com/sciencelayer/NOeU
Thank you so much for reading, for signing up for my emails and for sharing this journey with me. Please reach out with any comments or questions in the comment section or at my email collierak@me.com.

The Perception of Freedom

Freedom is a powerful and compelling force. I define freedom as the ability to do as I please without harassment or enslavement by any individual or situation. There are assumptions inherent in this definition. I cannot do whatever I want of course since we have laws and rules that we all agree to, in order to curb crime. What I think is more important than having total freedom is having the feeling of freedom or the perception of freedom. The ability to feel free from restraint and harassment is a powerful and liberating force. Feeling free to explore your interests and gifts is a major part of living life to the fullest. When a child grows older he/she begins to enjoy the freedom that we all are given. The feeling of freedom can be intoxicating; many children throw off parental restraints enjoying the new found freedom of adulthood. If parents went too far in the restraints often the child goes wild, sewing wild oats and making bad choices.

There are many things in my life that I’ve not felt free to pursue. Most of the not feeling free were around finances. A friend of mine once launched a successful business and became financially free. The adjustment was difficult for his child, she was so accustomed to being restrained financially the new found freedom to spend felt strange to her. The difference is in perception, perception of personal freedom frees people of mental clutter, mental busyness and imagined restraints. The family was now free but she was still stuck in the perception of lack and restraint financially. Every person should develop the perception of personal freedom to unleash untapped creative potential by making five liberating steps.

1)      Determine to focus on ‘inner work’.

‘Inner work’ is just another word I use for personal development, looking within, dealing with the emotional wounds or with weaknesses and strongholds that hold us back in life.

2)      Discover or rediscover how you create.

I am convinced that we were created to be creators. We may do this with art, with music, with science, with construction, with relationships, with forming companies, with creating and volunteering and with countless other ways… You are a creator, however life or mistakes or toxic beliefs may have that part of you under wraps, but it is in there, discover or rediscover what that is, write it down and tell someone close to you who will not discourage. If you don’t have a good support system surrounding you then email me at collierak@me.com, I would love to connect.

3)      Imagine Freedom to Create whatever you wish, without restraint

Ask “what would it look like if I had complete freedom to create?” For example, I love to teach people, if I could study and teach all day long what would it look like? Well, it would look like this: “I would get up very early to study, I would break down the topic into smaller more manageable points, then people would come to me and I would teach them what I know, they would be receptive, I would be inspiring and life would be great.” That is one creative dream that I have.

4)      Write down what hinders

Imagining freedom in that area of life is fun, now ask yourself what is it that restrains you? Write that down, it could be lack of discipline, it could be lack of money, it could be an addiction, it could be an unfair situation. Whatever you believe it is write it down.

5)      Start creating anyway

Now ignore what hinders you and start creating in small increments, for my example above I can teach in little bursts, I may not have a huge audience, but I can teach my kids new things, I can teach my wife the things I know. This small baby step starts a perception of freedom to create (for me to teach) that is liberating, it is empowering, it is encouraging and it changes my entire mindset. Soon this part of me grows, I gain confidence, I improve my skills and people now come to me to teach on certain topics

I am now free to create and to do more of what I was created to do.

This is only an overview of the process but if you feel stuck or hindered; try this … it works!

1)    I have written an e-book titled Increasing Collaboration. There is a chapter for individuals to take the reader  through a process to increase collaboration. There is also a chapter for leaders to help them to increase the collaboraiton among those they lead. This book has useful collaboration models to help the reader to understand collaboration and trust.   We are in the final edit of this now. Sign up for my email list by June 15th to get a free copy before its available for sale.

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2)    I am creating an online course for discovering and releasing your inner creativity. This is a 5 module course delivered online or via email. This course will teach and take people through a plan to start creating how they were intended to create. Sign up for my email list to find out when this video course is available and to get access to early-bird pricing.
3)    Podcast rebranding, we are rebranding our podcast again. I am rebranding in order to align the podcast with the information business that I am creating. Of course I will still cover science, innovation, organizational health and social enterprise in this podcast, the podcast name is The Human Creativity Podcast with Adam Collier this aligns best with the direction I am taking my business. Podcast RSS feed is http://feeds.feedburner.com/sciencelayer/NOeU
Thank you so much for reading, for signing up for my emails and for sharing this journey with me. Please reach out with any comments or questions in the comment section or at my email collierak@me.com.

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