006 – Improve Your Company’s Culture w/ a Social Enterprise Network


Feature Segment: Improve your Company’s Culture with a Social Enterprise Network


In this episode Adam discusses ways to improve your company’s culture


As was said last week, there are at least four types of employee reactions to the prospect of adding social enterprise network at work. There are advocates, users, agnostics and detractors.  Asking employees to teach is one management strategy for winning over detractors while stimulating collaboration in your culture.


Social Layer Segment: Three Pillars to Healthy Innovation


I think there are three pillars to healthy innovation, this content is taken from my May 13, 2013 blog post here:

  1. Teaching, spontaneous employee-to-employee teaching is one sign of a highly innovative company culture.  Knowledge silos can limit the growth and success of a company.  Breaking down knowledge silos can improve the speed and overall competitiveness of any company.
  2. Collaboration
  3. Organizational Health


I will cover the 2nd and 3rd pillars in later episodes but for today lets look at the concept of intentional teaching as a strategy to help your culture.


A great strategy for breaking down knowledge silos and converting some of your social business detractors into users is to ask employees to teach other employees using the company social network, such as blog posts or simply sharing files generated by the employee.  It is not too much to ask an employee to teach, most companies expect employees to teach already through other tools like: monthly reports, research reviews and patent filings.


Be patient and persistent because being social does not come naturally to everyone.

What are some other ways that social enterprise software can improve a company’s culture?


Next episode I discuss crowdsourcing, please send any crowdsourcing questions or content to adam@sociallayerpodcast.com


Please rate this podcast in iTunes here, please reach out with feedback via email or Twitter @Colliers2


004-Social Layer, Signs of Healthy Science, Podcast Name Change

In this episode Adam lists three signs of healthy science and three signs of unhealthy science, how to spot bad science and how to avoid it or better yet… call people out on it.


Adam discusses his re-naming this podcast from the science layer to the social layer podcast.

  1. Difficulty finding scientist interview candidates, everyone he’s asked… said no
  2. Adam’s has a passion for social enterprise social media and its potential to help in transforming corporate cultures, particularly in science/ high-tech innovation companies and he wants this podcast to be focused on this niche topic.
  3. Adam wants this podcast to better align with how he is helping companies with their online social platforms.


Adam discusses the Google+ announcement about forcing YouTube comment-ers to use Google+, Adam discusses a YouTube video on this topic and Google’s description of their Social Layer.


Adam gives his description of the social layer and why every company will need a healthy social layer going forward.


What alerts you to question the quality of a scientific report?


Thank you to all subscribers, please stay connected through this re-branding,  and please rate this podcast in iTunes, please connect we’d love to hear from you.

003 Science Layer Podcast – Fed Govt Shutdown Good for Science? Organizational Health, Innovation/Ideation Software

Thanks again to Phil McKinney for the episode 2 interview, if you haven’t listened to this episode, check it out here.


Adam recommends the book “The Advantage” Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else in business by Patrick Lencioni, buy this book here.


Adam discusses three great innovation software options that he is researching:


  1. InnocentiveInnoCentive helps clients to engage a world of creative and diverse on-demand talent to rapidly generate novel ideas and solve important problems using crowd-sourcing and much more.
  2. Brightidea: check out the Brightidea Pipeline product for technology development teams, amazing product using social tools.  The Brightidea Innovation Suite is a collaborative innovation management solution designed around the business processes of innovation. Packed with features that drive continuous engagement the Innovation Suite is designed to maximize collective knowledge, drive idea execution through streamlined processes, and deliver measurable business results.
  3. IdeaJam by Elguji software drives innovation by helping companies understand which ideas are worth pursuing and which ones are not, and most importantly why.


The government is shut down, there is a lot negative about this particularly for the people who rely on the government as their source of income, but Adam discusses how the effect of this shut down may be good for science as a whole, in the long run.


This episode is brought to you by Colliers Engineering, helping small business, personal brands, and organizations of all size use social media to market and connect internally.


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