The Real Go Getter

I read not too long ago the book The Go Getter by Peter B. Kyne. It is a very good productivity and leadership read for business people.

But, this book and its teachings should not be applied to discipleship or to living the Christian life or ministry.

Motivational business speakers have said:

There are three types of people in the world:

  1. those that make things happen (the go-getter)
  2. those that watch things happen (masses of followers stuck in the rat race)
  3. those who wonder ‘what’s happening’, (those confused enough to follow around the go getter and feel confused about why they too aren’t the go-getter)”

Never think this list is for the Christian or to Christian ministry. The extent that it is applied is the extent that it has ceases to be a work of God. We just cannot serve God or live out an inspired life for Christ.

Regarding the ministry and the gospel it is a mistake to strive to be one who aggressively makes things happen. I am convinced it is the mistake of a lifetime for those who love and want to serve God.

Jesus Christ himself did not live like this, neither should we. Jesus lived in the opposite of this so should we!

Jesus Christ is The Go Getter…the real one.

The way of life for the Christian is almost in exact reverse order of the businessman list. I attempt to write this list in the same format below:

  1. He wonders what is Jesus doing and only what Jesus is doing. (He is not easily distracted by tradition or by self-help or by vain repetition, falsely called ministry.)
  2. She watches to see and to hear what Jesus is doing around her. She grows to gradually see the difference between man’s religious works and the real thing.
  3. He only does and cooperates and flows with what Jesus is doing, no other work impresses him or sways him. He is not a go getter, he only does, says what he sees the real go-getter of the ages do or say.

Notice the reverse order of the businessman list: (doer, watcher, wonderer) vs. (wonderer, watcher, doer).

It is our job to be diligently obsessed with wondering and watching then doing what he is doing.

If you want be aggressive and hardworking and zealous for Jesus, then live by this second list,…not the first.

Why Obsessing over Politics is So Destructive for Christians

For years I heard Christians bash other Christians for being liberal and for voting democrat for a variety of reasons. Lately I hear liberal Christians bashing conservative Christians for voting republican for other reasons.

Fixating our attention and focus on this silly federal government with its almost-irrelevant policies is learned and I believe we learn this at church.

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