Five Questions to Ask Yourself When Choosing Ministry

Some times I wonder if certain super-active, preaching Christians I know had no ministry platform or career to maintain would they even seek the Lord.  I believe that we should always question those whom we receive ministry.

The next time you have to make a decision about a ministry or a minister why not first ask one or all of the following questions:

  1. Would they still study that theological topic with any of that same zeal and intensity if they didn’t have to preach about it?
  2. Would they still exalt Jesus Christ if they didn’t have a microphone in front of them or the demands of the congregation?
  3. Would they still proclaim Jesus if they were in total obscurity?
  4. If they weren’t preparing to preach or go on a missions trip or gain the favor of the denomination or from their pastor would they even seek the Lord at all?
  5. if they had no ministry at all would they be about the Lord’s business? for that matter are they even about his business now or about their own and is Jesus merely a mascot for their ministry?

…the former proclaim Christ out of selfish ambition rather than from pure motives, thinking to cause me distress in my imprisonment. – The Apostle Paul

Of course these are questions of motives and no one can judge the motives of individual hearts with certainty except for God.  But knowing human nature and some of the motives for ministry I have observed and experienced I can’t help but wonder some times, what is driving this guy, is he a wolf…or a shepherd?

Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) group in snow, Norway

Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) group in snow, Norway


I do try to place a higher regard on teachings or writings from a Christian who is not gathering a crowd or building and defending a name of a ministry or a church.  I look with suspect ministry from people trying to meet the expectations of a demanding congregation.  I make more effort to listen and share contributions from a Christian who, out of sheer passion and love for the Lord, tries to share and reveal Christ for no other motivation than love of and cooperation with the Spirit.

There is very often a necessary shallowness to those who preach week in week out for years. Because to really dig deep in the depths of any issue around the Lord it requires extreme amounts of time and study, preferably with multiple people cooperating and contributing together. 

Multi-week sermon series from one, broadcast to multitudes of consuming and mostly idle congregants are necessary to keep congregations engaged.  They are needed to keep crowd entertained with short attention spans and desire for eloquence, but to really dig deep in the spiritual depths of topic concerning the Lord and to gain spiritual understanding it takes as long as it takes, sometimes years.

Topical studies often hop around and change monthly and leave a person with a broad but extremely shallow knowledge of scripture.  But for example, exegesis on a certain epistle from the New Testament, if done well, should take months of meetings with several contributors and teachers.

So next time you decide to receive the ministry from someone ask yourself one of the questions above or better yet ask them directly, what is your motive in this? Their heart just might be revealed to you.

Time to Prune Your Technology Pipeline

 Prune March 2014

I have about a dozen apple trees in my back yard; I transplanted them a few years ago from a local apple orchardist who needed to get rid of them to make room for a different breed.  They were last pruned 3 years ago.  Last summer we harvested about one bushel from these trees.  The summer before that I think there was one edible apple harvested.   I have taken a pruning course and have studied apple tree pruning for some time now.   This weekend I had my loppers and my new pruning knowledge, it is the right time of year so I decided it was time to prune.  While I was pruning these trees I thought of several principles to growing productive apple trees that could be applied to my career in R&D.  Pruning apple trees is about energy management, the goal is to produce the maximum number of large healthy apples. 


An apple tree if ignored will produce a very large number of small unhealthy apples and it will be continuously harassed by pests.


There are at least six principles to maximize apple tree productivity; a professional likely knows several more but these are the ones that come to my mind.

  1. Protect the tree from parasites. Vines from other bushes, bugs, voles, rabbits and deer all want to eat bark, buds, leaves and apples from the apple tree; this year-round pressure can destroy a trees fruit quality and overall productivity.  It can even kill a tree itself, fencing, chemicals, trunk guards and wood chips are common tools to protect trees from these pests.
  2. Cut branches away that are growing vertical.  The reason for this is to maximize the light down in the lower part of the tree and to not allow shading of the lower leaves and fruit.
  3. Cut the branches that grow back toward the trunk of the tree, this also is a light management technique to keep light and airflow down through the entire tree.
  4. Cut away branches that produce leaves and apples too much for the size of the tree, apple trees will produce more sticks and more apples than the size of the tree can support. If you have ever noticed an un-pruned apple tree you will know what I mean.  The ignored tree will produce many small, unhealthy and unripe apples.
  5. Cut away dead wood, dead wood takes up space in a tree and can block sunlight.
  6. Thin the new apples, this means cut away apples which are too many, this is done when the apples are about the size of a dime, usually early summer, at this point you can see how many apples a tree is trying to produce.  If there are too many apples it is wise to cut away apples if they are growing more than one every six inches.  This is difficult to do for the novice pruner; hundreds and possibly even thousands of small apples sometimes need to be cut away.  After thinning, the surviving apples will grow larger because the energy flow from the tree is divided into less apples making each apple larger and more healthy.  Think of it this way, at harvest time, would you rather have 200 high-quality large ripe apples with great sugar content or 1,000 small, un-ripened apples that contain less sugar and taste somewhat bitter?  Quality is better than quantity for most people. 

These fruit tree principles can be applied to our innovation divisions and companies; there are times when leaders need to prune their portfolio.


There can be ‘parasites’ that want to drain teams of energy, employees who sap morale, sap the joy and excitement of creating, of innovating and of inventing new products.  The leader who is mindful of the productivity and the long-term fruitfulness of the team, will have the courage to set some boundaries to protect morale.  Some people are negative dream killers, they have given up on a lot in life and they spread that defeat and depression around, leaders should protect culture from these people because they hinder productivity.

Sometimes projects grow and expand in ways that hinder energy from getting into the ‘core’ of the company.  We should remember to take time for culture, take time to renew energy, the culture and morale of a R&D or innovation team is more important than the number of projects it works on.    When we take the time to focus on culture, on leadership unity and on clarity of vision we lead our company well.  The benefit of this is that we can produce higher quality innovation projects.  Excessive busyness can be like apple limbs growing vertically or back toward the trunk, they hinder the healthy culture that refreshes the energy of the company (sunlight into the base of the tree).  Trim away busy projects that perpetually consume employee time; set aside times of team building, time for employee training and personal development.  If projects demand employees at every waking hour for an extended period with no return on investment, ‘prune’ them out of your team.

Let’s face it, some of us produce a large quantity of lower quality fruit. Entrepreneurs call this the “bright shiny object syndrome”.  We get excited about opportunities or projects and don’t follow them through to completion.  I have a hard time with this personally; even now there are at least two major unfinished projects on my hard drive that need completion.  I now try to make it a rule to end one project, or bring it to completion, before starting a new one.  It is better to produce one completed project per month or per year then it is to produce five half-baked projects.  Similarly, leaders need to trim away the half-baked innovation pet-projects so that fewer projects can get more employee energy. It is not easy to decide when to cut your losses and quit certain projects for the sake of other things.  Is there another project that may be less exciting but would be a better use of employee time and company capital? You want to divide up your limited energy supply among fewer projects and increase the quality at the expense of quantity as is done in early summer when I thin hundreds of small apples.


Like the apple tree, R&D and innovation teams exist to bear fruit and to create great things for society.

Does your company or R&D portfolio need pruning?

Four Lessons for Society from the Technology Sector

Innovation is becoming an important subset of most companies.  To survive financially in a competitive world economy a company must create new products continuously. The process of new product creation or new product development most now call “innovation”.   Innovation thought leaders have created careers at helping companies and leaders innovate more effectively which has generated great wealth to entire companies and their employees.


Let’s take a step back from technology innovation and look at human ingenuity in general and the creation of wealth. Technology innovation is essentially one subset of the creation of human wealth and value.  To accumulate wealth an individual or organization must create and possibly sell things of value.  Carl Menger said that value “is a judgment economizing men make about the importance of goods at their disposal for the maintenance of their lives and well-being.”  Yes value is a judgment made by men and we then agree to assign value to paper “money”.  Rabbi Daniel Lapin said “Animals merely seek their sustenance, whereas humans actively create theirs“.  The thirteenth century Jewish transmitter Rabeinu Bachya said “ a man’s active participation in the creation of his wealth is a mark of spiritual greatness” We see that creation of value represented by money is the unique and signature activity of human beings.  Creating value is the act of serving mankind.  As innovators we intentionally are tasked with the creative invention process. Once in a life time invention may be good enough for an individual but not for a multi-billion dollar company.  Combine that with the complication of having full-time employees and innovation must necessarily be an ongoing activity that must produce if a company wants to grow long-term.  For most companies to prosper through the decades and remain competitive it must innovate, it must invent, it must create new and better products and do what only human beings can do.  Over time technology innovation-centered companies have learned a thing or two about innovation, about inventing about technological advances that better mankind.  We have seen super-star inventors like Thomas Edison and Benjamin Franklin and Nicola Tesla and we think these are the examples that we should follow but what about all the innovation that people have done while a part of a company? A company that invents, a company makes new strides in fields like aviation, like communication, like lasers, like energy conversion and like weaponry? 


Thomas Edison may not have the credit for inventing the light bulb were it not for the innovation provided by Corning Incorporated, more specifically the skills, the talents and the ingenuity of the specific glass artists to develop and create the first glass bulb to house the light emitting filament.  And later the ingenuity of the Corning engineers and workers to create and perfect the ribbon machine to mass produce the light bulb.  Not to diminish the greatness of Edison but innovative employees did that in collaboration with Edison.


The private sector employment and effective management of scientists, engineers and technicians have taught companies how to harness and encourage human ingenuity and creativeness on a mass scale.  What exactly have companies learned about this process of value creation?



  1. There is power in collaboration, Thomas Edison gets credit for the light bulb but his collaboration with Corning made it happen, outside of lab, for the rest of the world. People who will not work together will not accomplish much, even extreme genius, Edison understood this.  Countries and economies where people do not work together will not be able to harness the ingenuity and genius of some of their citizens. This speaks to the importance of long-term stability and safety for a country the general good-will of citizens for one another and between government and citizen.
  2. Culture matters; a culture that is hostile and polarized, is competitive and plagued with extremes in access to resources is not healthy.  We know from business professionals that a healthy organizational culture enables the fullest use of the intelligence and creativity of employees. Toxic cultures where certain employees are marginalized and are distracted by office politics, hinders the efficiency and effectiveness of the overall innovation efforts of any company.  I don’t care how many articles are written about navigating politics and just accepting things how they are to move up the ladder.  Toxic cultures do not have to exist, we should not just settle and become a part of them and it doesn’t have to stay that way. Jiddu Krishnamurti said It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”  Yes it is possible to adjust to a sick society, to a toxic work culture, some do, the strongest (or ruthless) can find promotion.  However a culture where team health is valued by leadership, where cooperation and goodwill is displayed and encouraged among the citizenry, where the less ruthless and competitive are also valued and contribute their gifts and talents will have a more healthy economy over time.
  3. Freedom matters…a lot; a free employee who is trusted and behaves in a way that does not need to be micro managed is a more valuable employee. An employee who polices him or herself, who willingly contributes with passion and has real ownership of outcome will outperform one who is micro managed, who is looked on with distrust and contempt by leadership. Similarly, economies and nations whose people are not trusted, who are heavily burdened with an abundance of regulations, laws and taxation suffer and are less productive than those with adequate personal freedoms and real rights.
  4. Innovation must be intentional; companies must invest resources into R&D in order to invent new products, to expect and hope that employees will develop new products without the time and money to experiment and learn is crazy.   There is a real financial cost to this, an investment must be made, it does not just happen within a company routinely.  Phil McKinney suggests that companies keep up with the R&D spending levels of their industry peers in my podcast interview with him here.   Steve Jobs adds to this and points out that it is not money alone, “Innovation has nothing to do with how many R&D dollars you have. When Apple came up with the Mac, IBM was spending at least 100 times more on R&D. It’s not about money. It’s about the people you have, how you’re led, and how much you get it.” I think they both are right.  Jobs was not saying that R&D spending can be zero he was saying it must be combined with other things or it is wasted.  Spending must be present ongoing, this is true at Apple and every tech company that has survived. obs was essentially saying that leadership via smart hiring and via culture management must be right (“how much you (leaders) get it”).


Similarly, governments of nations should intentionally encourage citizen innovation and invention with its regulation and with tax rates, with strong patent laws, with protections for those who are starting companies, with financial rewards for the creative citizens rather than punish them with taxation and with class warfare as people begin to prosper.  In a healthy company the productive innovators are rewarded, they are compensated; they are applauded with more income, with promotions, sometimes with awards, with more freedom and more budgets to invent and to learn with.  Governments and nations should remember to apply these learning’s from industry if they care about their economy.


What else can be learned from innovative companies?

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