if you want to make the world a better place

Sermons & Speech Making

I predict that sermons will all but destroy the institution of speech making.

In a hundred years no one will want to hear brilliant oration.

What happens in the church (good or bad) leads the world. And if the church is preoccupied or distracted with nonsense, (the same Christian giving weekly religious talks to the same crowd of Christians that are ineffective, is nonsense).

Furthermore it is nonsense because it is unbiblical, it’s ineffective for real discipleship, and it requires Christians not do what the Lord is leading us to do. And that is to let our light shine toward one another during our gatherings.

Sermons being the misguided center will have ripple effects for generations.

Whenever this does happen widespread and I pray I’m around to experience it, the word of God will be shared person to person again. It will be amazing!

So…You Have A Ministry?

If you consider yourself to have a ministry.

What would happen to it if you went bankrupt? And stayed bankrupt?

The friends that would change their opinion of you and look down their noses at your new lack of influence. Are not real friends.

What God gets spiritually from our lives, this is our only ministry.

A Story of Two Pastors

One pastor runs his church service as an evangelism-show to attract and convert non-Christians to Christ. A crowd comes to watch the show each week, like a broadway play, and some do come to Christ.

Another pastor from another generation runs his church as a Christian teaching session with his people arrayed facing him in pews with notebooks and bibles in hand. Helping the Christians to live, what he thinks is a life more like Christ. And some do mature and act more like Christ over time.

Both churches attract the people who agree with the pastors vision.

Both pastors serve the Lord with a clean conscience.

The older pastor publicly criticizes the younger (all but naming names) for putting on a show. But the older doesn’t realize he’s been putting on a different sort of religious show for a slightly different customer his entire life.

But both pastors are usurping the lord’s authority among his people. By the simple fact that they “run the church” and dominate the meetings even with the full blessing of their congregation. They dominate with their vision for how church should be and with the exact happenings of the well engineered gatherings. Both pastors are performing they just are adapted to different crowds.

Both pastors are men of integrity, have good motives, love God and people.

Neither thinks the way Christian meetings were held on the NT like in 1 Cor 14 apply to modern churches, for unknown and unspoken reasons.

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