Christian believers meetings. Where two or more gathered in my name

Gathered Around Jesus with Mary of Bethany

In the first part of this post we discussed how divided the church is in the US and how if the Lord were leading our churches this would not be the case.  We made the point that church tradition has crippled us internally.

But thanks be to Jesus and the gospel of Luke the solution to this problem is not complex, Jesus already walked others through this same problem and I believe it is found in a story from the town of Bethany.

Luke 10:40 But Martha was distracted (that describes us) by all the preparations that had to be made (our divided ministries to God, believing we must serve him out of our own gifts and diligence).  She came to him and asked “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”

I believe that Martha represents 95+% of Christians today striving to serve, we are distracted by our own ministries, our duties devised in our minds of our chosen Christian leader as what Jesus would want us to do (WWJD), full of human energy, leadership, greatness and/or brilliance.

Notice how Martha was off alone not with Jesus or those gathered around him.  Ministries not centered on Jesus separate and divide people.

Martha not only was distracted but she didn’t understand her Lord like Mary did, and she demanded that Mary be distracted with her!

The Lords response can and should guide us today, not only did he defend Mary but he taught Martha and all of us the one thing that is needful.

10:41 And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things; 42 but one thing is needful: and Mary has chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.

That one thing, that good part was exactly what Mary was doing, sitting at the feet of Jesus Christ, beholding him, getting to know him, learning of him, quietly listening to him.  Despite tradition and frustrating distractions around her.

We can still do that today, we can sit at the feet of Jesus Christ today, he promised his presence as we gather around him (“in my name”).  but to do this Jesus alone must be our motive for gathering.

  • We don’t gather around our particular churches vision (flavor of ice cream).
  • We don’t gather around our churches great sermons and superior leaders.
  • We don’t gather around building great families or a great nation.
  • We don’t gather around even the preaching of the gospel of salvation by Christ! (there will be time for that, what Mary and the disciples were doing was even greater and more pressing.)

In gathering around these things there is confusion, distraction, wandering, chaos, we don’t love one another (outside of natural friendships), when we gather for these things we end up dividing and butchering the body of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Instead we gather around Jesus Christ alone, and we see him and hear him through every one of us sharing Christ, seeking him throughout the week then bringing our spiritual gifts and sharing them with one another.  We display him to one another through the Holy Spirit, we teach him, we seek him together and we supernaturally grow to love one another as we do this.

I periodically meet with a friend and we discuss the Lord, this my favorite ~2 hours of the week, there is nothing that can compare with gathering with others only for Jesus.

I have written much about this that I have not published, if you would like to hear more please enter your email address below!


Or if you are interested in joining a group already gathering around Jesus in the upstate NY area,  please email me at

Distracted From Jesus

Thanks to YouTube, I often listen to sermons from churches and ministries in my area.


Five Questions to Ask Yourself When Choosing Ministry

Some times I wonder if certain super-active, preaching Christians I know had no ministry platform or career to maintain would they even seek the Lord.  I believe that we should always question those whom we receive ministry.

The next time you have to make a decision about a ministry or a minister why not first ask one or all of the following questions:

  1. Would they still study that theological topic with any of that same zeal and intensity if they didn’t have to preach about it?
  2. Would they still exalt Jesus Christ if they didn’t have a microphone in front of them or the demands of the congregation?
  3. Would they still proclaim Jesus if they were in total obscurity?
  4. If they weren’t preparing to preach or go on a missions trip or gain the favor of the denomination or from their pastor would they even seek the Lord at all?
  5. if they had no ministry at all would they be about the Lord’s business? for that matter are they even about his business now or about their own and is Jesus merely a mascot for their ministry?

…the former proclaim Christ out of selfish ambition rather than from pure motives, thinking to cause me distress in my imprisonment. – The Apostle Paul

Of course these are questions of motives and no one can judge the motives of individual hearts with certainty except for God.  But knowing human nature and some of the motives for ministry I have observed and experienced I can’t help but wonder some times, what is driving this guy, is he a wolf…or a shepherd?

Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) group in snow, Norway

Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) group in snow, Norway


I do try to place a higher regard on teachings or writings from a Christian who is not gathering a crowd or building and defending a name of a ministry or a church.  I look with suspect ministry from people trying to meet the expectations of a demanding congregation.  I make more effort to listen and share contributions from a Christian who, out of sheer passion and love for the Lord, tries to share and reveal Christ for no other motivation than love of and cooperation with the Spirit.

There is very often a necessary shallowness to those who preach week in week out for years. Because to really dig deep in the depths of any issue around the Lord it requires extreme amounts of time and study, preferably with multiple people cooperating and contributing together. 

Multi-week sermon series from one, broadcast to multitudes of consuming and mostly idle congregants are necessary to keep congregations engaged.  They are needed to keep crowd entertained with short attention spans and desire for eloquence, but to really dig deep in the spiritual depths of topic concerning the Lord and to gain spiritual understanding it takes as long as it takes, sometimes years.

Topical studies often hop around and change monthly and leave a person with a broad but extremely shallow knowledge of scripture.  But for example, exegesis on a certain epistle from the New Testament, if done well, should take months of meetings with several contributors and teachers.

So next time you decide to receive the ministry from someone ask yourself one of the questions above or better yet ask them directly, what is your motive in this? Their heart just might be revealed to you.

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