Criticizing Younger Followers

It bothers me to hear church leaders criticizing their younger peers for doing better what they taught them to do by example.

I read an article by the leader of the Christian band Skillet . He was criticizing worship leaders for explaining why they no longer believe in God.

Him criticizing other worship leaders for voicing their loss of faith. Reminds me of an older pastor criticizing a young pastor for drawing a bigger crowd by using the same techniques he’s used for a lifetime …only better. The young guy sometimes just do it better. It’s a natural evolution of their worldly way of doing church. The kids just do it better, don’t criticize them, just begin to do it the Lords way.

I remember as a child an anti-smoking commercial a young boy yelling back at his father “I learned it by watching you.”

Similarly, “Worship leaders” which are not even really a thing from scripture, using their celebrity to voice doubt publically is sort of the natural evolution of entertainment-church mindset.

Entertainment church leaders need talented entertainers, not apostles and not necessarily even Jesus followers. Just musical talent and the desire to put on a great looking and sounding show.

Of course some of them will use their influence to pull people away from the Lord. Were they ever really with Jesus or just playing the part you provided for them? Didn’t you see that coming Mr. Skillet? Godless things devolve, they decay, they erode and are undone even at church.

“Look What I Did”

When leaders do a census of their organization or ministry it’s often in self defense. To undermine their opponents or detractors. To point to their accomplishments and say “see, I am doing a good job, don’t listen to those critics.” Or “look, there is fruit from my way of doing things, so stay loyal”

And this is fine for many leaders (CEOs, -governments, when it’s a strictly human-led organization) but this is not ok for the church. It’s not how it is in the kingdom of Jesus Christ.

The organizations of God are unique and in scripture God saw census-taking as a sign that a leader is taking personal credit for what he is doing. Leaders see it as self-defense but God sees it as evidence that a leader sees himself in the role only fit for the Lord.

The best tactic for a disciple of Jesus being criticized is not to defend himself. But to let God do that, and if he doesn’t then so be it, let it drop. Be criticized.

Human Government with its Hierarchy:

Satan’s Access to Earth

Whether they be in D.C. or in Albany or in Moscow or at the UN or in religious denominations or in the local independent churches or in mega churches. Human government Is Satan’s primary way of access into the earth!

With governments he can has and does do much more damage to life and limb.

Also, (and much more upsetting to me.) Any study of church history whatsoever shows us that when allowed to rule the churches, (through confused and talented men,)

Satan can make the church spiritually irrelevant at best, outright evil at worst. He can and does rob the Lord of his purpose and plan for his ecclesia.

We Christians who want the Lord to be Lord on earth, need to be willing to learn another to organize ourselves. To no longer look to human government. It’s the way of Satan since Cain left Eden and built his city without God.

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