lightning strikes

Who Saw Satan Fall?

Recently I went to the drive-in with my family. We watched an animated movie. On the other side of the drive-in they were playing an R-rated movie about someone summoning a demon. It was a horror movie. After we left this thought dropped in my head that these movies try to ma Satan, and also God, out to be something they are not. Then I remember all the scripture about Satan and it struck me how much Jesus talked about him and exposed him. Satan as some horrifying powerful mass murdering spirit and God out to be distant uninterested and indifferent to what Satan is doing in the earth. Neither is true, these movies are deceptive yet they are popular.

Jesus Exposed Satan to humanity.

Jesus shined the light on Satan for us. We do not have to imagine him as something he is not. Jesus revealed and thoroughly exposed Satan to us. Satan likes to disguise himself now but Jesus is not having that. Not with his humanity. Jesus’ disciples are now to execute the judgment of God on Satan. Satan is in big trouble with God, he knows it and I think it must be horrible for him. Not only is he in trouble with God but he is in trouble with Jesus’ people who understand who he is and who they are in relation to Jesus Christ.

Luke 10:15 And he said to them "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven."'

Jesus not only saw Satan fall light lightning because he was present when it happened. Perhaps he was even the one who made sure that he fell from his high place in heaven in the first place. But Jesus also exposed it to his followers, Jesus let everyone know that Satan fell, and that he personally saw it. This expresses Jesus’ dominance over Satan. For who but God who is omnipresent, in heaven and on earth at the same time could even see this occur? And it likely occurred before even the Adam and Eve experience in the garden because Satan was present there.

Jesus made his followers to understand Satan’s situation and place. He exposed him and continues to expose him.

2 Corinthians 11:14 And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
2 Corinthians 2:11 so that we would not be outwitted by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his designs.

Jesus Refuted and Renounced Satan

Jesus also turned back Satan’s advances at him both directly in the wilderness after his 40-day fast. Then again through his followers who were accidentally allowing Satan to speak through them (Peter). But then again once and for all when he was killed and resurrected. In Jesus’ death he killed off the humanity that was enslaved to Satan. But then he also started fresh and created a new race of humans. A race that Satan has no legal ownership to. Jesus followers are now love-slaves of Jesus Christ now. We are not enslaved to Satan any more, by virtue of Adam and Eve.

Matthew 4:10 Then Jesus said to him "Be gone for it is written "you shall worship God. 

Satan Can Still Use Christians …If we Allow It

1 Timothy 5:15 Some have already strayed after Satan
Luke 22:31 "Simon, Simon behold Satan demanded to have you that he might sift you like wheat."

These verses are two examples that show that Christians can wander off and stray after Satan. I’ve seen this happen more than once. It causes one to wonder if the person ever really was a Christian in the first place. But that is not a useful thing to wonder because its impossible to know. Based on these verses we must assume they were and Satan was allowed to try to sift them and they strayed because of it. Satan is very experienced at deception and if we are inclined to stray, some of us stray after him.

Jesus Worhsip

Make Peace With The World

I sometimes am bothered by all that is going on in the world. Between pandemics and inflation and voting fraud and censorship and the elites seeming to be so corrupt. What is happening? What will happen? There is plenty to worry about depending on your view of the world and of God.

If our view of the world is incomplete or in accurate from reality then there is room for anxiety and fear. But think it is important to understand what is really going on, reality from the Lord’s perspective IS REALITY, not our own. And once we have his perspective we can and should be able to to react with his reactions to everything that happens and may happen.

What is the World System

The kingdom of darkness is another term for the world system. The terms are synonymous and describe a spiritual system which is headed by the principalities and powers of wickedness in high places, see Eph 6:12. Ultimately the world and those enslaved by it are loyal to Satan, whether they realize it or not.

This kingdom has within it, most governments of the world, the entertainment systems, the medical system, the food systems. It seems to permeate everything we experience in life.

This group of systems sets out to control mankind and remain in control of the earth. It does this by wickedness, by stealing, killing and destroying. It conspires against the Lord and against his followers. It wants more power and more money, and it needs and loves death.

BUT despite these facts, the Jesus follower forgives the people of the world in advance for this, we don’t hold resentment or growing bitterness toward any aspect of the world. We also don’t join it or try to fit in with it or to coooperate with its wickedness, pretending it’s ok. But we do serve it as the body of Christ. We share our lives with it, we give to it what little we have and we tell its members about the coming kingdom of Jesus Christ, which will displace the kingdom of darkness that they love.

Jesus Christ is at peace with the world system, he is not at war with it. He is not resentful or bitter toward it. Instead, he loves the members of it. He wants them back. He wants as many as possible rescued from it. Pulled out of the slavery of Satan and sin and death.

So be like Jesus, follow Jesus Christ in making peace with the world. Whatever that means to you. If that means forgiveness, it may mean laying down your personal war against a certain aspect of it. It may mean we curb our harsh and judgmental words and tone on social media. Whatever the Lord leads you let peace be your guide. It’s a wonderful thing to live at peace, to not fret over evildoers. Their time is so short and our time is so long and wonderful in Christ.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:9‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Being at peace with the world has been particularly difficult for me to accept. Especially when I must consider that the governments are a part of that world . The principalities and powers who control governments seem particularly evil to me. But that’s just me.

Even the government (which I’ve always had particular distrust and contempt for). Who seem to become so corrupt and populated with such killers. We are to not refrain from challenging them and hold them accountable to the Lord. But we are also to bless them when they steal from us, when they kill the innocent, when they cheat on elections and censor speech for suggesting it. When they spread racism for personal gain. When the side of the government you’ve liked seems to ‘prepare the way’ for a much more heinous group of thugs. But I digress.

We do good to them in response to these things. Yes just like “sitting ducks” we are not to segregate from them or attack them in vengeance.

We don’t fret at what evil they’ve planned and have already pulled off. We don’t retaliate, for when we do retaliate we become like them and their evil spiritual father. Instead we witness to them concerning Jesus the real king. While we wait for them to be removed we pray for them, we tell them what’s coming in Jesus Christ.

Much of Psalm 37 puts to words Jesus’ peacemaking attitude toward the violent and hostile world.

“Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices! Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath! Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil. For the evildoers shall be cut off, but those who wait for the Lord shall inherit the land.”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭37:7-9‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Accusations and The Kingdom Of Darkness

I think I heard Frank Viola say it first but I feel I need to write this for my readers. The kingdom of darkness operates primarily by accusation.

The kingdom of darkness is a spiritual kingdom that occupies the spiritual place over most of humanity. It is a kingdom with a king, with hierarchy and with an ugly anti-Jesus agenda.

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has shone light.

Isaiah 9:2

He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son.

Colossians 1:13

The kingdom of darkness is separate and distinct from the kingdom of Jesus Christ. It is also contrary to and is hostile to the kingdom of Jesus Christ. The kingdom of darkness operates by certain predictable laws and cultural norms.

It functions through people voicing and spewing accusations. It also is in constant pursuit of power over the peoples of the earth by controlling human government. It causes its followers to pursue places of governmental power. In order to impose itself on the rest of humanity through accusation, and ultimately by stealing, killing, and destroying.

The kingdom of darkness’ primary mode of operation and interaction with humanity is accusation. Accusation is extremely effective at controlling people. Satan the king of the kingdom of darkness accuses God’s people relentlessly. It reminds me of the book of Job when Satan started accusing Job to God for no other reason than jealousy after God had commended Job.

Fast forward to here and now, I’ve found that the fastest way to determine if a person is following Satan, on accident or intentionally is to listen intently for their accusations against others. I don’t care if they are a pastor in front of adoring fans with inspiring mic in hand or a vile lonely sinner. If the person is spewing accusations at others, be they well crafted and eloquent or a foul tongued and cruel rant, he is cooperating with Satan with his accusations..

I don’t care if the person is a registered saint with the Vatican or if he is a murderer on death row. Satan followers are chock full of accusations for other people. They just cannot help themselves.

The presence and domination of accusations can also be an internal red flag for yourself. Are you staring to accuse people of things you have no idea are true or are valid about that person. Is it just a suspicion? are you projecting your own heart onto others you don’t like or trust? If so you should realize that Satan needs your insecurity and disregard for Jesus Christ in order to control and use you in his work of accusation.

Repent of accusing people, make a 180 and bless your enemies, pray for your enemies, do good to them in word and deed. The same ones you were just accusing. Stop accusing, even if you know they are true and follow the one true Lord Jesus Christ, the king of mercy and forgiveness and blessing. Then if they deserve it in truth, it will be like heaping coals of fire on their heads. But that is not our call to make, because sometimes … even quite often we are wrong about people.

What is the last false accusation that was aimed at you?

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