
Ok With Conflict

When someone says or posts something you disagree with:

Do not:

  • Scoff in silence at them!
  • Gossip about their “bad” attitude!
  • Ignore them!
  • Insult them !
    Make assumptions about their motives!
  • Argue with them behind their back!
  • Make a straw man to misrepresent what they are saying. (This is lying)
  • Have the attitude of someone who just wants to crush their opponents.


  • Talk to them to understand their motive!
  • Challenge them!
  • Disagree with them confidently and with kindness.
  • Have the attitude that conflict is simply the pursuit of truth.

That’s love!

That’s just how things are …in the kingdom of heaven!

If we really love God and people, (and are not just religious drones), we will be willing to do conflict and confrontation.

Not constantly and with aggression, but whenever it’s needed, with love.

Jesus brings great conflict to humanity, right where it is needed and when it is needed, just role with it.

Avoiding conflict is sometimes avoiding Jesus Christ.

Human Government with its Hierarchy:

Satan’s Access to Earth

Whether they be in D.C. or in Albany or in Moscow or at the UN or in religious denominations or in the local independent churches or in mega churches. Human government Is Satan’s primary way of access into the earth!

With governments he can has and does do much more damage to life and limb.

Also, (and much more upsetting to me.) Any study of church history whatsoever shows us that when allowed to rule the churches, (through confused and talented men,)

Satan can make the church spiritually irrelevant at best, outright evil at worst. He can and does rob the Lord of his purpose and plan for his ecclesia.

We Christians who want the Lord to be Lord on earth, need to be willing to learn another to organize ourselves. To no longer look to human government. It’s the way of Satan since Cain left Eden and built his city without God.

With Him As Our Connection

If we can have fellowship around Jesus Christ together we really have something. With Him as our connection we have it all, we have the future. All our other beliefs and opinions and distinctions pale in comparison.

On the other hand, we can have a thousand other things in common, be blood relatives, think lock in step politically. Listen to the same sermons, love the same songs.

But if we are not on the same page about Jesus Christ and can’t discuss him freely. We don’t have a whole lot that is tangible or lasting together. If you are a Christian this is true about all your relationships.

Let Jesus freely have your relationships …all of them.

Make him top priority with your spouses and children, no need to get weird and overly spiritual, just soberly discuss him constantly.

Also, any group of people who cannot have face to face fellowship around Jesus Christ are not real ecclesia’s/ churches. If Jesus discussion makes things awkward, the group is something else religiously and something else that is not worth a lot of time.

I’d rather spend an hour fellowshipping over coffee with one or two brothers or sisters sharing Jesus back and forth (the real house of God). Than 3 hours in a crowd awkwardly and politely watching a great show about him.

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