When the Church Makes Him Lord

As the church runs after libertine minded pastors, priests, and teachers the world moves toward cruel legalism. (Seems to be happening now.)

As the church moved toward legalistic pastors, priests, and teachers the world moved toward free-wheeling sin without restraint. (Think the 60s and 70s)

But when the church moves together toward the lordship of Jesus Christ again, surrendered, yielded and making him in charge.

Then….how will the world react?


The Kingdom is Like A Cooperative Wife

The kingdom of heaven invading earth is like a faithful wife who cooperates and helps her husband with a full heart. With open teaching and with outright acts she declares and displays her loyalty and cooperation to all who are watching. With love she openly teaches loyalty and cooperation with her husband. And with bold acts she displays her loyalty and cooperation to all who watch.

The kingdom of heaven is not at all like a wife who gives her husband veiled kisses, (empty kisses with other motives… like Judas.) while reluctantly following. Not with passive aggressive working behind the scenes to get her way while pretending to follow his lead when she thinks he watches.

Embassies of the Real King

Churches are to be embassies of the kingdom of God within our world, (which is mostly controlled by Satan.)

The way Jesus set up his ecclesia, is that the collective counsel and message from the body of Christ in each town are his ambassadors to that town.

The infinite and powerful mind of Jesus Christ expressed through the collective body is to be the vision for each church.

Each of those embassies is to report to and represent the same government. They all represent the same king from the one kingdom.

Like any king, that king wants certain things, he has a mind, he knows what he wants and how he wants it.

If they have differing doctrines, differing visions and differing messages based on the convictions and will of one dominant member there, then they are not representing the king any more. They are representing that person. So it almost becomes like a form of treason by negligence. They all together are distracted by their dominant member, away from their Lord who longs to speak through every member.

If this is the situation, it’s not really an embassy of the king at all.

Do we have embassies of king Jesus in the earth?…is that what our churches really are? or are the majority of them currently acting as independent religious businesses with “clergy” as CEOs?

Church vision-casting by a dominant single member is like US embassies deciding US policy for themselves. It’s like powerful and influential ambassadors ignoring constitutional and presidential doctrines and deciding for themselves what US policy will be. And they accumulate sheepish loyal citizens, persuading them to become embassy employees.

Its seems that this is how things are in the modern church (for now).

But it won’t last, because this is NOT how things are in the kingdom of God. And he is coming in power.

How things are in the kingdom of God IS the future of us all.

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