Jesus The Theory of Everything - Predictions

Jesus the Theory of Everything, Three More Predictions – Video 6

In this sixth Jesus-video Adam makes 3 more predictions about the future. Accepting that Jesus is the theory of everything which make sense of the universe, accurate predictions can be made.

Predictions 1 Thru 3, see video 5

  1. Jesus Christ will have an increasing importance in all societies of the earth.
  2. Jesus Christ’s teachings will be increasingly take over as the ideal (politically correctness). Yet he himself is almost always excluded.
  3. Biblical depictions of our material world will increasingly be accepted and confirmed to be true by science.

Predictions 4 Thru 6

Adam makes three more predictions IF Jesus Christ is the true explanation of all things.

4. Everything will be summed up by and within Jesus Christ, the future of all things will only make any sense within Jesus Christ. Religioins wont and don’t make sense, even a large part of the religion of Christianity.

5. All religions of the world will be gathered up and made to fit under Jesus Christ, all religions will be judged by all in relation to him. Anti-Christ will be defined in relation to him.

Whether we side with Anti-Christ or Christ, we are defined by him.

6. All philosophies that oppose him will be summarized and made fit within the religion of anti-Christ. Ideas of anti-Christ will become a worldwide religions will line up and fit within Christ.

This world religion will exist exclusively to try to stop him. Adherents to this world religion will oppose him at every turn until they are suddenly defeated. The only weapon his enemies will have against Jesus and his increase is murder of his people. But even that will be taken away from him and his followers.

Remember, we can only make these predictions because:

“It pleased the father that in the Son all the fullness in heaven and earth would dwell.”

And in Jesus Christ we have the absolute fullness of God.

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When We’re Together Song

When We’re Together – Around Jesus Christ

The older I get the more I appreciate the time that I get to spend with other Christians. Especially times where there is a genuine conversations, not performances not putting on shows or trying to impress. Not when Christians try to impress one another and engage in one-upmanship. I avoid those types of gatherings, they are a waste for everyone, no matter how many attend. I prefer small meetings of brethren for lunch or coffee, spontaneous conversations about the Lord in the hall or around the water cooler that arise naturally.

Read more about these natural Jesus-centered meetings here. This song reminds me of those meetings and I can’t get enough of it. “When We’re Together” performed by David Harper and posted to his channel YouTube.


When we’re together

You’re here with us

We feel your presence

We see Jesus.

Your spirit leads us to share our heart

One another

Each does his part

One starts a song

One gives a testimony

One says a prayer

We are all Gods symphony.

If you liked this song you might like some of these others found here on Frank Viola’s blog. Or here at the To The Saints blog.

Religious One-Upmanship & What It Can Teach Us

Religious One-Upmanship

I recently noticed something about when devout Christians interact from different churches. Particularly with men there is often competitive attempts “to lead” or to dominate the conversation? It sometimes seems like a passive-aggressive religious one-upmanship.

Perhaps we think “I’m not following that guy so I’ll one-up his spirituality with my own.”

This is a tangible display of the division in the modern church system. If you pay attention you can see this reinforced almost everywhere in Sunday morning sermons.

Spiritual submission is typically only taught in context to our preferred “pastors”. Teachings on love and submission and sharing Christ with those who don’t think like us is almost unheard of.

Leadership is emphasized but for the purpose of adding to the numbers of the preferred pastor’s church or denomination. “If you are loyal to me you can lead for me and we’ll agree tell others it is for God.”

Don’t be deceived, this “church system” that we have inherited is not from our Lord Jesus Christ. Yes the Lord uses people while within the system but that is because he is loyal to his people. Someone else controls the system and he needs this one-upmanship among us in order to remain in power. You can see this if and when you try to draw attention to it how you are treated. Draw attention to these facts too effectively and you quickly get labeled. You may lose friends and/or be encouraged to leave the group.

The Ecclesia of Jesus Christ

The ecclesia that Jesus Christ is building is centered and founded on him only. He is not only the periodic topic of the sermons. He is not a mascot that we are impressed with from afar. Every member seems obsessed with him and are free to proclaim him openly. There is mutual submission among the members and the guiding rule is love for all interactions. The guiding rule is not loyalty to a certain pastor or denomination.

“It is important that a distinction be made between the assembly as defined by the New Testament and churches as they are known today. Compared with the pattern of the assembly of believers as described in the New Testament, institutional churches fall far short.”
Henry Hon

To hear more about this topic go to my 3 part post series beginning here about gathering in the name of Jesus alone.

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