Pop-Music Philosophy
“If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change.” – Michael Jackson
I hear many Christians today saying “we want to make the world a better place.” Of course this is noble and is an effort to be admired but I think this sentiment is ill advised. The reason I say this is not because I don’t think that the world needs to be better. It is not because I don’t wish it were better. Frankly I think the world is an absolute mess.
The reason I think this world-view is ill advised is because it is not in step with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Jesus does not want to make the world a better place. Jesus is actually displacing the world with himself and his new humanity.
The idea that the world will be made better by us being kinder or more generous doesn’t reflect reality.
This World-System Has No Future
Imagine its 1943 in Nazi Germany and the Germans started saying “let’s make Nazi Germany a better place.” At the peak of the war crimes, the killings, the concentration camps. That is the equivalent of us saying it today in comparison to what is coming in Jesus Christ. Surrender to the coming regime of Jesus Christ is the only option. But not a physical military surrender an inner spiritual surrender. Until that happens, if billions are in rebellion to the real Lord of the earth, this world should not be “made better.”
It’s not reform we are pushing for in the world it’s a conquering nonviolent displacement of Satan.
The world will not be better until Jesus Christ (and not Satan) is absolute Lord. This world as we know it has absolutely no future. I want to make Jesus Lord of heaven AND EARTH. Because this world is still being run by satanic systems and forces.
Our governmental, religious, economic, entertainment, and educational systems are still dominated and controlled by satanic forces. Some of them reluctantly tolerate Christian influence begrudgingly and only if we are kept at the bottom of their hierarchies.
Make the World…Surrendered to Him

Editing our philosophy to live by.
The only thing that I want to see the world become is subject and surrendered to the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Anything less than that is just pop music.
More about the coming kingdom of Jesus Christ.
Frank Viola’s gospel of the kingdom series.
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