What Jesus Said About Himself

“That Church is Dead”

A Dead Church

Recently someone told me something someone said about a church. “That church is dead.” So what is a dead church anyhow?

It’s a common accusation from Pentecostal Christians against most other churches. I have said it myself more than once.

The most common definitions of a “dead church” according to most pentecostals and charismatics are:

  • It is boring, the music is dry, the preaching is dull and there is little to no excitement about God.
  • It does not effectively disciple people.
  • Any church not their own to get more people to come to there’s.

If it Really Is a Church…It Is Not Dead.

If it really is a church (more accurately known as an ecclesia or a congregation of Jesus Christ) the meetings might be boring. They might be dry and unexciting but if Jesus Christ lives inside people in a church THERE IS LIFE.

I know this church personally and there are many people there with the life of Jesus on display, so this church is not dead.

When a church gets labeled dead its more about a dislike about worship style.

This “dead church” accusation is a by product of people believing that life comes from volume and extroverted excitement for Jesus. Lack of displays of excitement does not make a dead church.

A dead church cant exist, it is an oxymoron. If it is a church if disciples of Jesus gather together then there is life. Non Christians pretending to have church of other reasons do exist. They look the same on the outside, sermons, singing, Christian tradition. It could even be the loudest church in the city with the best music and the most dancing and hand waving.

Testing for Life or Death

The test of life is not numbers and growth as is commonly taught (by churches that are growing). Plenty of organizations and groups and blatantly evil things grow and increase in numbers. Things like cancer, virus’, religions that murder people, bank accounts of tyrants and criminals. None of these things are approved of God and they do not indicate health.

As in all things the real test of life or death is to simply ask “who is Jesus Christ here and what are people gathering around?”

Jesus Christ himself is the life of any group of Christians. Jesus Christ himself is the test of life.

A dying church is one where he cannot express himself regardless of number of attendees, ages of attendees, sermon or music quality. Dying ‘churches’ have existed for centuries, many of them never had an ounce of life in them from their start.

More on life:

Is there life in your church?

Video 7 – Learning to Live By the Life of Christ

It Is No Longer I Who Live

The life of Christ makes all the difference in life. Paul said “it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me

Most evangelism today seems to be something like the following: “Believe in Jesus because he has a wonderful plan for your life… and avoid hell.” As if promises of goodness and blessing are needed to attract people to Jesus. No, Jesus does not have a wonderful plan FOR YOUR LIFE. His plan for YOUR LIFE is absolute unconditional surrender and death. That is what baptism indicates, an end to our lives and a beginning of a new life which is Christ’s life.

Living by Jesus’ life will be wonderful but it also might result in excruciating pain. For millions of people living for Jesus is well worth it. But for millions it is also filled with strife and pain and suffering.  Preaching that Jesus makes our lives wonderful is deceptive. It ignores the call to death and resurrection and potential for suffering with Christ.

If people get a glimpse of Jesus Christ as he really is. They would flock to him whether it resulted in their murder or prosperity. Torture or victory, Jesus Christ is attractive enough to convert the world in his own right.

It is incumbent on his people to learn how to live by that amazing life of Jesus Christ.

Real Discipleship

Discipleship is not becoming great, super obedient, super good attitude. Sorry pal but the best you can do is trash. Real discipleship is learning how to die, to get out the way and to live by the life of Jesus Christ. Following the life of God within, learning how to do that is rare. It is almost unheard of. Furthermore the number of people teaching others this is even fewer.

Frank Viola first opened my eyes about this topic he teaches a course on this, which some day I will purchase.

Also, the group in Austin from 3rd Race also have much to say about and have taught me a lot about this topic.

If you crave to be discipled (I mean really discipled), no more religious games. Then my recommendation is that you drop everything else in your Christian lives. Leave the endless church games behind and learn what you can from these saints.

Check out my other videos.

Christian believers meetings. Where two or more gathered in my name

Jesus Christ: The Center of All Things

Jesus Christ: The Center Of All Things

“For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross.”   Colossians 1:19- 20

The Father’s purpose is to sum up all things in Christ. Is that your purpose? It is obvious from what we see around us that this is not the purpose and goal of most American Christianity.

We are busy planning things, discussing things, and doing things, none of which have their center in Christ! We speak much about many spiritual topics like evangelism, leadership, prayer, spiritual warfare, the second coming, bible study, faith, love, spiritual gifts, authority and submission, a woman’s place in church, the New Testament order for church.


Even things about Him can become as if they are not centered in Him! Only things that are by Him will be for Him! Since he is real and living person his presence and his life are what makes the difference. If he personally is not leading and living in a ministry its just a ministry about him and it is not centered in him. It is easy to see the difference when we look at things with his eyes. If we don’t look with his eyes we are blind to this. Christianity becomes a religious movement of good intentions. It becomes worldly and emptied of God’s life.

Christ is the Center of All of God’s plan and Jesus did everything He did for the Father! May Jesus be the sum, the center and the supreme one in our lives and our groups who gather.

More articles on this topic, also check out these amazing Jesus articles from Milt Rodriguez at the rebuilders.org


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