Christian believers meetings. Where two or more gathered in my name

If All Prophesy

Growing Up to Know Jesus

I know many parents, myself included, who want their children to grow up to know Jesus Christ. The last thing we want is for our kids to just see him as just a religious tradition. This is happening in an alarming number of young people. It seems to me that we should make an effort to raise our children in a community of people in hot pursuit of Jesus Christ. In urgent pursuit of nothing else and no one else. Imagine if we trained our young people to share Jesus Christ in every meeting, imagine if we began to follow the training of Paul recorded in 1 Corinthians, “if all prophesy“.

“Therefore if the whole church assembles together and all speak in tongues, and ungifted men or unbelievers enter, will they not say that you are mad? But if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or an ungifted man enters, he is convicted by all, he is called to account by all; the secrets of his heart are disclosed; and so he will fall on his face and worship God, declaring that God is certainly among you.” – 1 Corinthians 14:23-25 NASB

It says ‘AllNotSome


Paul counted on all of his people participating in order one by one.

There is something supernatural when Jesus Christ can speak and control and orchestrate a bunch of nobodies. A bunch of unprofessional clergymen; so called “lay people” having a meeting orchestrated by the spirit of Jesus himself. Simple men and women of all ages who have the singular and powerful bond of adoring and pursuing Jesus Christ.

One by one, all participating, in order.

I’ve seen this first hand, its real, people actually meet this way. It takes just a little training and some supernatural love but it is possible.

Jesus, when seen alive in a variety of people, is irresistible. Seeing him work among a variety of personalities, genders and ages declares him to all generations far better than sermons and songs. Which seem to wear out rather quickly any more.

If really we care about the next generation knowing Jesus perhaps it is time we reconsider our meeting traditions.

Please share your thoughts by commenting below.


Is Jesus Alive Enough?

It was just Easter weekend here in the US. At Easter we celebrate that Jesus is alive.

But…Is Jesus alive enough that we yield to what he wants? Or has Easter become just another silly religious festival?

Proof that Jesus is alive is a people yielded to him today… to their own hurt. A people who actively seek out and pursue his current will and work toward that end. Not because we have to but because we see him now, we hear him now, we love him now.

Jesus is meek, he doesn’t demand his own way, we can disregard him if we want to, we can do our own thing then announce and pretend he likes it. He doesn’t get upset and punish us, his mercy is impressive.

The truth is: a servant wants to please his lord and a loving son wants to please his father. The servant and the son does not get to decide how they serve to please the Lord or the Father.

The Only Foundation (Jesus Christ) – part II

Jesus Worldview

The gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ is rarely heard today. We hear portions of hit broken up and fractured in a variety of churches. Some churches you hear none of it. The gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ is what turned the world on its head in the first century. It infuriates many to the point of causing them to commit murder. It revolutionizes many more. This gospel is being restored in the earth today.

Five Common Gospels Of Today: (see part I)

  • Christian Gospel of libertinism
  • The Christian Gospel of legalism
  • Christian Gospel of Catholicism
  • Gospel of progressivism and enlightenment
  • Gospel of Islam

There are many others and strange partials as people try to explain God…..But with this post I hope to compare and contrast these with the gospel of the kingdom we find in scripture.

The Gospel of The Kingdom of Jesus Christ

John the Baptist preached it, Jesus preached it, the disciples preached it and the apostle Paul preached it to the gentiles.

The message of the gospel (good news) of the kingdom was that your world is entirely controlled by Satan. All of its systems enslaved to the demonic powers in control. Governmental, economic, religious (including much of Christianity), entertainment…all systems of Satan, controlled by wicked powers in high places.

You are loyal to this system and therefore are its slave.

God is uprooting and displacing this system with the currently present and increasing kingdom of his son, Jesus Christ.

Turn from your loyalty to the world system, repent of your sins and join God in his son Jesus Christ. Believe in him and completely surrender your life to him and follow him. Let him have his way in your life daily.

Baptism in water was an outward display of this turning and dying to Satan’s world and your loyalty to him.

The gospel of kingdom of Jesus Christ is about a new creation displacing the old. It’s about our death and his new life. This gospel is rarely preached today. We have shrunk it down to a miniscule version of its formal self.

The gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ is like an insurgency within Satan’s domain.

God’s Restorative Work

The Lord himself is restoring this gospel of the kingdom message.

In these last days Jesus Christ is Gods communication with man (Hebrews1). Jesus Christ himself embodies the union between God and man. God speaks to man through his son Jesus Christ alone, God speaks to us in the language of Jesus Christ alone.

If our foundation is not on the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ we will struggle with confusion about God. Our worldview will be inaccurate and not match well with reality.

Much more to come on this.

Also don’t miss all the great work of Frank Viola on recovering the gospel of the kingdom.

Are You Loyal to or Enslaved by The Systems of this World?

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