Healthy Hierarchies or Something Else?

Healthy Hierarchies

I like to study organizations of people, how to make healthy groups. Finding competent leadership, how to affect culture, devising and communicating vision for a group. Increasing levels of trust and genuine good will. No one, in my opinion has better content on this topic than Patrick Lencioni at the Table Group.

Working near the bottom of a large corporation has made this fascinating to me. Lencioni’s book The Advantage is brilliant. If you are a leader of a business or governmental organization you must get this book.

Hierarchies Everywhere

But all the business books and consultants assume one thing …Hierarchies.

Great men on top, lines of hierarchy directing the clueless nobodies on bottom.

The congregation of Jesus Christ, otherwise known as the ecclesia, sometimes translated the church simply is not a hierarchy.

At least if Jesus has any say in the matter it isn’t.

It never was a hierarchy and it never will be, so these hierarchy business principles ought not apply to the goings on of churches.

We can pretend that they do and apply them anyhow and build a religious empire just like the former generations. BUT, does Jesus want that? And if you knew he didn’t how would you respond? Is he Lord among his people gathered for him?

That’s why the largest and famous church leaders. I’m talking about the mega churches with great numbers must move away from Gods plan for his church if they want to be large, wealthy and influential. They are required to if they really want to be big. They must lead in a way that Jesus specifically prohibited among his disciples.

And their successful empire almost always prevents them from turning around.

I mean why would they listen to “some wannabe” nobody who no one is following?

Certainly they must just be jealous as they criticize the leader or his organization.

Often I think Jesus himself is that “wannabe” who no one follows.

Read more on hierarchies here.

Be Aggressive About This One Thing

Aggression is not viewed as a positive things these days. Aggressive people are typically not well-liked. I tend to feel the same way about most aggressiveness. However, I think there is one area of life that we ought to be very aggressive, very assertive and very stubborn about. That is to be constantly seeking to know Jesus Christ and his kingdom.

I find an extremely wonderful way to live is to stubbornly and constantly seek to:

  • Know Jesus Christ personally.
  • Know everything about him.
  • Understand how to hear from him right now, so we do not wander off doing our own thing.
  • Tell others all we learn and know about him who have the same heart for him.
  • Listen for him in the ministry and sharing of others.

Never delegate your life’s-focus to anyone else. Take personal responsibility to make sure you are always increasing in the knowledge of him.

Don’t put up with distractions from this internal or external. Distractions that are obviously evil and/ or ones that appear religious and seem good. My definition of a distraction is absolutely anything that shifts ones focus and life-aim off of the person of Jesus Christ.

Any person, any thing, even religious idea, even “ministry visions” (that sound so good) that distracts from that. Consider them to be Satan standing in your way. He smiles and points you over to some attractive distraction.

Be spiritually aggressive toward Jesus and Satan, don’t get passive or lukewarm about knowing him.

Snap out of it, if you love Jesus at all know that he needs people like that. Jesus can build great things with a group of spiritually aggressive people like this.

Lukewarm, spiritually-retired and permanently distracted Christians are some of the most confused people on earth.

“But seek first His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Jesus Christ

There is a reason he said seek first.

Christian believers meetings. Where two or more gathered in my name

If All Prophesy

Growing Up to Know Jesus

I know many parents, myself included, who want their children to grow up to know Jesus Christ. The last thing we want is for our kids to just see him as just a religious tradition. This is happening in an alarming number of young people. It seems to me that we should make an effort to raise our children in a community of people in hot pursuit of Jesus Christ. In urgent pursuit of nothing else and no one else. Imagine if we trained our young people to share Jesus Christ in every meeting, imagine if we began to follow the training of Paul recorded in 1 Corinthians, “if all prophesy“.

“Therefore if the whole church assembles together and all speak in tongues, and ungifted men or unbelievers enter, will they not say that you are mad? But if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or an ungifted man enters, he is convicted by all, he is called to account by all; the secrets of his heart are disclosed; and so he will fall on his face and worship God, declaring that God is certainly among you.” – 1 Corinthians 14:23-25 NASB

It says ‘AllNotSome


Paul counted on all of his people participating in order one by one.

There is something supernatural when Jesus Christ can speak and control and orchestrate a bunch of nobodies. A bunch of unprofessional clergymen; so called “lay people” having a meeting orchestrated by the spirit of Jesus himself. Simple men and women of all ages who have the singular and powerful bond of adoring and pursuing Jesus Christ.

One by one, all participating, in order.

I’ve seen this first hand, its real, people actually meet this way. It takes just a little training and some supernatural love but it is possible.

Jesus, when seen alive in a variety of people, is irresistible. Seeing him work among a variety of personalities, genders and ages declares him to all generations far better than sermons and songs. Which seem to wear out rather quickly any more.

If really we care about the next generation knowing Jesus perhaps it is time we reconsider our meeting traditions.

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