Where His Glory Dwells

“The place his glory dwells!”

Glory means greatness and pleasure.

I do not love a place where the glory of a great man dwells. Or where his marvelous family dwells.

Ministry that gets its source from God leaves us saying and thinking “wow what an amazing Lord Jesus we have.” Ministry that is religious logic or eloquent sounding tradition leaves us thinking “wow what a good sermon” or “man my pastor is great” or very often “man I wish I was like him/her”

But wherever the glory of God dwells is wherever Jesus is made supreme. His greatness and pleasure is evident by and within every one present.

A Story of Two Pastors

One pastor runs his church service as an evangelism-show to attract and convert non-Christians to Christ. A crowd comes to watch the show each week, like a broadway play, and some do come to Christ.

Another pastor from another generation runs his church as a Christian teaching session with his people arrayed facing him in pews with notebooks and bibles in hand. Helping the Christians to live, what he thinks is a life more like Christ. And some do mature and act more like Christ over time.

Both churches attract the people who agree with the pastors vision.

Both pastors serve the Lord with a clean conscience.

The older pastor publicly criticizes the younger (all but naming names) for putting on a show. But the older doesn’t realize he’s been putting on a different sort of religious show for a slightly different customer his entire life.

But both pastors are usurping the lord’s authority among his people. By the simple fact that they “run the church” and dominate the meetings even with the full blessing of their congregation. They dominate with their vision for how church should be and with the exact happenings of the well engineered gatherings. Both pastors are performing they just are adapted to different crowds.

Both pastors are men of integrity, have good motives, love God and people.

Neither thinks the way Christian meetings were held on the NT like in 1 Cor 14 apply to modern churches, for unknown and unspoken reasons.

God is for …Jesus

🎤🎼”God is for me, I am who you say I am”🎹

There is a sliver of Christian truth to these lyrics, but only…if applied to the ecclesia.

But there is also a massive amount of over applying and misapplying this truth to every thing and everyone labeled Christian.

To be clear, God is FOR Jesus Christ exclusively. And he is FOR the living breathing community of Jesus Christ.

He is not FOR religious individuals who fit right into Satan’s world system. Be it his Christian religious money-system we sometimes call church or ministry. He is not for individuals who refuse his painful discipleship with their pursuit of ease and pleasure with wealth and who are living according to the pride of life or the lust of the flesh.

If that applies to you, don’t waste your mental energy applying those lyrics to yourself.

But IF Jesus Christ can be absolute center of your life, if he personally is your connection to others. If knowing him is your source of love with and for others. If he is why you gather and is not just your religious mascot. Then grab some mics and sing it loud “He is for us, not against us, we are who You say we are”

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