Theory OF Everything

A Tale of Two Men

Once upon a time there were two men, one was a 30 year old man from the country who beat up his neighbor then went out to a bar got drunk and slept with a married woman. He got arrested for DWI and thrown into jail for a year.

He is somewhat racist, and doesn’t care, he is poor and he cares only about himself.

The other guy is a 30 year old from the big city. He divorced his wife at age 29, became openly gay, has many changing boyfriends. He goes from relationship to relationship, abusing people, he is rich and he cares only about himself.

These men vote opposite to one another, the first votes on the right party line, the second votes left in all elections. They hate one another and think the other is despicable.

The reaction of the Lord to both of these men is the same. He does not applaud either’s unique sin, neither is he surprised or mad at them for them. He has already killed the sin nature that controls these men in his own body. The wrath and justice of God for their sin was already concentrated on Jesus Christ as he died. They could be free of their unique sins and selfishness and hatred if they were to find their new life by and through Jesus Christ.

We as the children of Jesus who take the nature of Jesus, who live the very life of Jesus. Can and should react the same way to both of these men.

Not applaud certain sins to prove something, and to not hate on different sins to prove something else. The Pharisee in Jesus story about repentance hated certain sins and he overlooked other sins. He was very selective in his disgust of sin.

But to God both are the same men, both are the same sin.

Both are “the world” that he loved so much and he lost his son for.

Embassies of the Real King

Churches are to be embassies of the kingdom of God within our world, (which is mostly controlled by Satan.)

The way Jesus set up his ecclesia, is that the collective counsel and message from the body of Christ in each town are his ambassadors to that town.

The infinite and powerful mind of Jesus Christ expressed through the collective body is to be the vision for each church.

Each of those embassies is to report to and represent the same government. They all represent the same king from the one kingdom.

Like any king, that king wants certain things, he has a mind, he knows what he wants and how he wants it.

If they have differing doctrines, differing visions and differing messages based on the convictions and will of one dominant member there, then they are not representing the king any more. They are representing that person. So it almost becomes like a form of treason by negligence. They all together are distracted by their dominant member, away from their Lord who longs to speak through every member.

If this is the situation, it’s not really an embassy of the king at all.

Do we have embassies of king Jesus in the earth?…is that what our churches really are? or are the majority of them currently acting as independent religious businesses with “clergy” as CEOs?

Church vision-casting by a dominant single member is like US embassies deciding US policy for themselves. It’s like powerful and influential ambassadors ignoring constitutional and presidential doctrines and deciding for themselves what US policy will be. And they accumulate sheepish loyal citizens, persuading them to become embassy employees.

Its seems that this is how things are in the modern church (for now).

But it won’t last, because this is NOT how things are in the kingdom of God. And he is coming in power.

How things are in the kingdom of God IS the future of us all.

Socialism, Satan & Jesus

The concept of Socialism (using the state to pool resources and to create financial equality) could work. But only if we were to completely remove the state from the equation. The state represents human government, which is irredeemable. This realization was the foundation of the US government. They concluded, at best we can separate powers and keep the people free to violently defend themselves (by bearing arms).

I think the root cause for this fact is that the concept of the state is inseparable from the influence and control of Satan. And Satan is inseparable from stealing, killing, and destroying. So for now, we should consider all forms human government as synonymous with stealing, killing, and destroying. Socialism is usually strongly resisted so it requires dictatorships to try to implement…things go down hill fast from there. Think of the formally prosperous Venezuela as the most recent of many examples. It won’t always be that way but for now it is.

The best way to work around this is to separate powers within a state. And to separate finances from the state into the hands of the people (capitalism). To concentrate money in the state is to tear down society.

This disturbing fact is true everywhere human government dominates on earth. The only place this is not the case is where Jesus Christ personally dominates a people. Not Christian leaders but Jesus personally.

Jesus Christ is the only alternative to the state, or human government. Wherever he is Lord, natural, voluntary love-based “socialism” happens.

Where he is dominant in people, there is genuine and lasting equality, generosity, sharing with one another and with the poor, out of love, equality, racial blindness, gender equality. “In Christ there is neither rich, nor poor, slave nor free, male nor female, all are one in him.”

Where he is not in charge, there is unfair hierarchy, there is inequality (financial, racial, social). If unchecked, there is tyranny from government, and there is the rich dominating and taking from the poor.

So the next time you hear people say we need more socialism or capitalism. Think no we need more a Jesus Christ, we need more Jesus people, much more! Then become one yourself, he deserves it.

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