Seeking God In The Psalms

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the great German theologian brought out for us that in the Psalms Jesus Christ is the one actually praying. He prays through his servants. In these psalm prayers and songs Jesus often teaches and discusses seeking God.

“The wicked in his proud countenance does not seek God; God is in none of his thoughts.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭10:4‬ ‭NKJV

‬‬ “And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; For You, LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭9:10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

“When You said, “Seek My face,” My heart said to You, “Your face, LORD, I will seek.”” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭27:8‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

“O God, You are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You In a dry and thirsty land Where there is no water.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭63:1‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

There are also many more verses.

Knowing this, the Psalm prayers which emphasize seeking God, become more fascinating and enlightening. Especially in light of Jesus’ earthly life, we cannot overlook (unless we do so intentionally) how important it is to the Lord that we constantly seek him. “Seek first the kingdom of heaven”.

Why does the Lord want us to seek him so? Perhaps because it is the effect it has on us, the act and pressure of constantly seeking Jesus Christ guards us. It defends us from the self-centeredness and laziness of the flesh and the mind. It undercuts the pride of life and the spiritual dullness that constantly besets us.

Seeking Jesus is like the gravity that holds the Christian to Jesus’ kingdom. The pressure that it brings to life prevents the Christian from floating aimless off into Satan’s deceitful, pointless, and sinful existence. Which can be so tempting for many.

When the Church Makes Him Lord

As the church runs after libertine minded pastors, priests, and teachers the world moves toward cruel legalism. (Seems to be happening now.)

As the church moved toward legalistic pastors, priests, and teachers the world moved toward free-wheeling sin without restraint. (Think the 60s and 70s)

But when the church moves together toward the lordship of Jesus Christ again, surrendered, yielded and making him in charge.

Then….how will the world react?

Jesus Worhsip

Jesus Christ and Physical Healing

If you’ve lived at all as a Christian for any significant amount of time you know there are many times that prayer for healing is needed. We get sick for whatever reason. Sometimes the reason is genetic, other times it is environmental, other times dietary, other times it’s brought about by terrible medical treatment. Other times it’s brought about intentionally by war. And other times it’s just old age and our time in the flesh is up.

But what about an average young healthy Christian who suffers from an illness? They pray and pray yet stay sick.

How can that be reconciled with Jesus Christ who apparently never turned people down when asking for healing?

This post will attempt to answer this question.

I’ve been part of church movements that taught we just need more faith to get our healing. It belongs to us and it’s there to take by faith. When we would teach this we would define faith as “confident expectation in the promises of God.”

But having more confident expectation in Gods promises is not what it takes to receive physical healing that doesn’t seem to come. Or at minimum it’s not something we can turn off and on internally by effort and trying to.

To think this way is to underestimate Jesus Christ himself. My expectations surrounding Gods promises are not enough. For example; I genuinely and confidently expect, based on bible verses, God to heal my relative that I pray with to receive healing, and he dies anyhow.

How great is my discouragement and disillusionment when this happens.

What I think we misunderstand is that Jesus Christ is not only the promisor but he is also and more importantly the doing itself of the healing. It’s not a matter of him just doing it already…as much as it is a matter of seeking him personally with constant pursuit. Then following him however and wherever he leads us daily.

I know what it’s like to seek healing for extended periods. We get into a rut wondering why it never seems to happen so we start to obsess over it, I know I have done that.

Sometimes the answer for healing is something simple that we need to do or stop doing. We must hear him for instruction, if we are being stubborn and will only accept a miracle and are not willing to change our lifestyle if he leads us to we probably won’t ever get healed.

Maybe he will lead you to something practical like a water fast which is powerful in healing or a major change in diet. Or maybe something else.

If we look closely we can see that people in the Bible were not just seeking him to heal them …because they were seeking him individually. It was easier to seek him then because he was physically present, but we cannot do that now so we pray and it’s all by faith. It’s all spiritual and we must hear and see in the spirit that affects the physical.

We must be constantly just seeking him, to know him, to understand him, that alone will heal.

Also furthermore:

Seeking breakthrough from our problems (even if Jesus is the supply of it) is not the same as seeking first the kingdom. Therefore it’s a major distraction from him.

For example group singing at church can be a lot like group praying. Recently in a Christian meeting at a church we were singing together several beautiful Jesus songs. Then casually, with little notice, with just as beautiful tempos and the same exact great looking stage crew, we started singing about receiving breakthrough and seeing miracles.

The song itself was about us getting breakthrough. Feeling the need to sing that way or pray that way is evidence we barely understand Jesus Christ and the importance of pursuing him.

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