Lord of The Here & Now

It’s one thing to believe in Jesus and hold to the hope of going to heaven after you die many years from now

It’s entirely another thing to make him Lord of the here and the now, down here on earth. Most of us don’t really know what that even means. We are so accustomed to living on auto pilot. Without wanting or needing to respond to our Lord, the extent of our spiritual life is going to church and praying for good things to happen.

But really making him Lord, doing what we know he wants against tradition. That will quickly get us into trouble. Challenge Satan and his rule on earth in the systems of govt or money or religion and you’ll quickly become an outcast, an irritation, a person to isolate and push away from. So deep is the root of Satan it grows by tradition from one generation to the next.

It’s quite upsetting to see how long and deep go the roots of Satan, even deep into what and who you always thought were godly.

Jesus railed against this evil tradition which nullified even the words of God. Religious tradition is quite possibly the worst thing to ever penetrate Gods earth. It is Satan’s primary mechanism of deception.

The Titanic’s Iceberg

The American society, our systems of government, money, religion, and entertainment are like the titanic cruise ship of 1911. Like nothing the world had seen up to that point.

In light of this comparison; Christians in America, who fret and panic about what satan is doing on deck. And losing our rights in society, sounds just silly.

I think we (Christians) need to take our faith more seriously. And stop loving the world systems so much.

In a sense Christians are like passengers on the titanic, except we know what is coming.

What use is there in demanding the best, high-status seats on deck? Or at dinner? Amongst those loyal to the captain? It is sinking soon anyhow. Let go of that titanic, just focus on what is important to Jesus Christ, what is important to staying alive, what is important spiritually.

In this analogy the titanic is the world system, Satan is the dense and stubborn captain headed full speed into the darkness. Scoffing that even God cannot sink his ship.

And the iceberg,…that is Jesus Christ himself! Collide with him and you are going down. He sinks the unsinkable and He crushes the uncrushable.

The reality facing Satan’s world systems…all is already lost. It is just a matter of time.

So don’t put much into your room quality on the Titanic, or your seats at dinner on the upper deck. And your general fair treatment and status on this ship. If you want to live, grab an ice pick and be ready to jump onto the iceberg.

Posting Daily Still Isn’t Quite Enough

I’ve been posting daily since September, I planned to stop at end of 2019 but maybe I’ll keep going.

I could post twice per day easily. I now understand what T. Austin Sparks meant when he taught of an “open heaven”, a constant seeing of Jesus Christ. After experiencing this, sermons seem almost comical. And I love sermons. They are nothing compared to the inner shining of Jesus Christ.

Periodically one leaks through to Facebook, I inspire a few who don’t read blogs, I encourage a few, and I tick a few off.

But that’s ok. Most of those people have already unfriended.

Daily writing is the only outlet I seem to have right now for letting out the light of Christ that is shining within. The early Christians met daily to share, constantly back and forth one by one, not a single sermon necessary. Must have been great.

One day I may be able to experience that with other Christians daily, or I pray at least my children will. It may come with persecution and violence but it is super worth it.

This is what all Christians can have and should be doing every day, face to face. Letting our light shine.

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