statue of saint peter

Foundation Stones of The Gospel of Peter

Every Christian leader has his or her take on the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ. I’ve been studying the life and the gospel and the ministry of the Apostle Simon Peter and his two letters in the New Testament (1 Peter & 2 Peter).

In these two letters I’ve found what I think are about Five Foundational Stones upon which those letters are founded. Peter would make these spiritual points and then elaborate at great length on the implications to these points. He would assume knowledge of these points about the Lord in his readers, and then based on a good portion of new teachings on these points for his followers.

1. The Suffering and Glory of Jesus Christ.

2. Jesus Christ was foreknown before the foundation of the world, (God still has his Eternal Purpose, and Jesus Christ is still central to it, that should give us great joy and hope.)

3. Increasing in the Knowledge of Jesus Christ is central to the Christian life.

4. Jesus Christ is currently an approachable, good and reliable shepherd for the Christian.

5. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ enables us to be born again. And his delay in returning is enabling more children into his kingdom through the preaching of his followers. The born again members of his kingdom on earth are the new Spiritual Israel.

The apostle Peter was an amazing man. I hope to teach in detail on the Apostle Peter soon and his gospel. And to elaborate on these five pillars and all there remarkable implications for the Christian today.

Here is another great resource, a book on the apostle Peter (by T. Austin Sparks).

Mental Interpretations vs. Spiritual Revelations

Often there is a large difference between mental interpretations of scripture, and spiritual revelations of truth and reality.

The Differences

Mental interpretations almost always make Jesus Christ smaller than He actually is and is intended to be.

Smaller, less significant than, and less involved in our situations and our circumstances.

We figure out by study, mental interpretations. They are the result of intellect, the frontal lobe of the brain. But we come to understand from within the heart, or from a spiritual brother or sister explaining a spiritual revelation. Spiritual revelation must bubble up from the heart if they ever are to be useful to us or to others. Even Jesus could not access more than the brain of his disciples. When Peter acknowledged Jesus as the Christ. Jesus responded that it was “my father who revealed this to you …not flesh and blood” (which included Jesus at that time).

The Type of Revival That I Am Praying For

Been thinking about the revival happening in Asbury seminary in KY since February 8, 2023. Also now happening at Cedarville and other universities around the country.

Spiritually speaking, I think what we are calling revivals are Jesus Christ within his people breaking free from the chains of sin and religious tradition.

They are almost always spontaneous, unplanned, begun and sustained by young, enthusiastic Christians. Accompanied by much prayer, repentance of sin, and free worship. And rarely have sermons or clergy control. When those things settle in they typically end.

The Type of Revival I’m Praying For

I think the ultimate revival to work toward, the revival that I am praying for, the ‘revival’ that makes me want to explode with excitement. And which keeps me writing, praying, seeking the Lord and sometimes speaking.

Will be the revival of the gospel of the Kingdom that was preached by Jesus and his apostles. I believe we only hear fragments of that one. And I’m not talking about how people fervently preach salvation or miracles, I’m talking about what exactly is preached.

When that revival occurs I believe it’ll cause all we see in Asbury and more, with widespread turmoil and persecution. And not just in seminaries and mega-churches, but among all ages and everywhere.

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