The Fullness of Life

The fullness of life does not necessarily mean our outward circumstances are successful. Either financially or situationally or activity in church. At times it may look like this, but often it does not. Often it looks like difficulty.

“For with you is the fountain of life; in your light do we see light.”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭36:9‬ ‭ESV‬‬

The fullness of life is an inward pulling from the life of Jesus Christ. It is an inward seeing and hearing of Jesus Christ that settles a person from the inside our. That guides a person, that directs a person. Not from manipulating and controlling and making things appear a certain way about ourselves. Then proudly boasting “look I’m rich”, or “look I’m full time at church”, or “look I’m active… this is fullness of life.”

People who teach others to do that are very confused. Our lives should not be engineered to look a certain way to allow us to say we are living by the fullness of life. That’s a waste and an insult to the reality of Christ.

As we seek Jesus first in all things without pretense without controls, as we surrender and obey him then we are able to walk in the fullness of eternal life. But it’s his full life we walk in not a manipulated version of our life based on our preconceived ideas of success.

When Jesus Seeks Someone

When Jesus is seeking someone it can be very obvious. When he is after a man or woman to reveal himself inwardly, nothing can stand in his way… except perhaps that person. And when that person begins to respond according to how they are being pursued, every homily, every sermon, ever discussion of theology, or philosophy and even every old church tradition can urge her along.

It is only a matter of time and of response. A matter of surrender. Sometimes he’ll whisper to a person in silence for years. Other times He’ll send a person on their path who will seem to be screaming the words of Christ to them. Exactly what they need to hear when they need to hear it. And exploding spiritual light into their spiritual eyes.

It’s one of the most wonderful things to experience and almost as wonderful to watch happen in others.

But …when that is just not happening, as much as we wish it were, and try to make it happen for ourselves or others, no sermon, no amount of church attendance, no amount of paying tithes and offerings, no bible study, no memorized passages, no amount of arguing and persuading matter. No amount of what we think to be good parenting or persuasive debating amounts to anything.

Jesus Christ reveals himself to people in his time and in his way. He personally and actively controls it … up to this very moment. All we can do is pray for ourselves and others to respond in a way that pleases the Lord. Respond in a spiritually violent manner, burn the ships. Be there for people to witness to him at the right time. Help others in a way that causes them to seek Jesus as much as HE is seeking them. So they can live his life.

Is Jesus seeking you? You probably sense it deep within if he is. If so I want to know, please reach out to me if you want help, or just someone to talk to.

“It pleased the Father to reveal his Son in me.” – Apostle Paul

Watchman Nee & T. Austin Sparks

T Austin Sparks Teaching

This teaching series from T Austin Sparks called Men Whose Eyes Had Seen the King changed my life. I listened to it from the website which hosts many of his teachings. He passed away in 1971 but I consider him a major inspiration and teacher of my life.

We all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory. (2 Corinthians 3:18)

The word ‘beholding’ is a strong word; it is not just taking a look, it is ‘fixing our gaze.’ That is what the New Testament means by beholding, behold. We all, fixing our gaze upon Christ, as He mirrors in His own Person the glory of God, the satisfaction of God, the mind of God in perfection. The point is that you and I must contemplate the Lord Jesus in spirit, and be much occupied with Him. We must have our Holy of Holies where we retire with Him. We must have a secret place where we spend time with Him. And not only in certain special seasons, but we must seek, as we move about, ever to keep Him before us. Looking at the Lord Jesus, contemplating Him, we shall be changed into the same image. The Holy Spirit will operate upon our occupation.

You become like that which obsesses you, which occupies you. Is that not true? You see what people are occupied with, and you can see their character changing by their obsessions. They are becoming like the thing which is obsessing them; they are changing; they are becoming different. Something has got a grip on them; they can never think about anything else, talk about anything else; and it is changing their character. Now Paul said, “For me to live is Christ – being occupied with Him.” It is the wrong word to use, but nevertheless it would be a good thing if He became our “obsession,” our continuous occupation. As we steadfastly fix our gaze upon Him, the Spirit changes us into the same image.

By T. Austin-Sparks from: Men Whose Eyes Have Seen The King – Chapter 4

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