Socialism, Satan & Jesus

The concept of Socialism (using the state to pool resources and to create financial equality) could work. But only if we were to completely remove the state from the equation. The state represents human government, which is irredeemable. This realization was the foundation of the US government. They concluded, at best we can separate powers and keep the people free to violently defend themselves (by bearing arms).

I think the root cause for this fact is that the concept of the state is inseparable from the influence and control of Satan. And Satan is inseparable from stealing, killing, and destroying. So for now, we should consider all forms human government as synonymous with stealing, killing, and destroying. Socialism is usually strongly resisted so it requires dictatorships to try to implement…things go down hill fast from there. Think of the formally prosperous Venezuela as the most recent of many examples. It won’t always be that way but for now it is.

The best way to work around this is to separate powers within a state. And to separate finances from the state into the hands of the people (capitalism). To concentrate money in the state is to tear down society.

This disturbing fact is true everywhere human government dominates on earth. The only place this is not the case is where Jesus Christ personally dominates a people. Not Christian leaders but Jesus personally.

Jesus Christ is the only alternative to the state, or human government. Wherever he is Lord, natural, voluntary love-based “socialism” happens.

Where he is dominant in people, there is genuine and lasting equality, generosity, sharing with one another and with the poor, out of love, equality, racial blindness, gender equality. “In Christ there is neither rich, nor poor, slave nor free, male nor female, all are one in him.”

Where he is not in charge, there is unfair hierarchy, there is inequality (financial, racial, social). If unchecked, there is tyranny from government, and there is the rich dominating and taking from the poor.

So the next time you hear people say we need more socialism or capitalism. Think no we need more a Jesus Christ, we need more Jesus people, much more! Then become one yourself, he deserves it.

Human Government with its Hierarchy:

Satan’s Access to Earth

Whether they be in D.C. or in Albany or in Moscow or at the UN or in religious denominations or in the local independent churches or in mega churches. Human government Is Satan’s primary way of access into the earth!

With governments he can has and does do much more damage to life and limb.

Also, (and much more upsetting to me.) Any study of church history whatsoever shows us that when allowed to rule the churches, (through confused and talented men,)

Satan can make the church spiritually irrelevant at best, outright evil at worst. He can and does rob the Lord of his purpose and plan for his ecclesia.

We Christians who want the Lord to be Lord on earth, need to be willing to learn another to organize ourselves. To no longer look to human government. It’s the way of Satan since Cain left Eden and built his city without God.

Healthy Hierarchies or Something Else?

Healthy Hierarchies

I like to study organizations of people, how to make healthy groups. Finding competent leadership, how to affect culture, devising and communicating vision for a group. Increasing levels of trust and genuine good will. No one, in my opinion has better content on this topic than Patrick Lencioni at the Table Group.

Working near the bottom of a large corporation has made this fascinating to me. Lencioni’s book The Advantage is brilliant. If you are a leader of a business or governmental organization you must get this book.

Hierarchies Everywhere

But all the business books and consultants assume one thing …Hierarchies.

Great men on top, lines of hierarchy directing the clueless nobodies on bottom.

The congregation of Jesus Christ, otherwise known as the ecclesia, sometimes translated the church simply is not a hierarchy.

At least if Jesus has any say in the matter it isn’t.

It never was a hierarchy and it never will be, so these hierarchy business principles ought not apply to the goings on of churches.

We can pretend that they do and apply them anyhow and build a religious empire just like the former generations. BUT, does Jesus want that? And if you knew he didn’t how would you respond? Is he Lord among his people gathered for him?

That’s why the largest and famous church leaders. I’m talking about the mega churches with great numbers must move away from Gods plan for his church if they want to be large, wealthy and influential. They are required to if they really want to be big. They must lead in a way that Jesus specifically prohibited among his disciples.

And their successful empire almost always prevents them from turning around.

I mean why would they listen to “some wannabe” nobody who no one is following?

Certainly they must just be jealous as they criticize the leader or his organization.

Often I think Jesus himself is that “wannabe” who no one follows.

Read more on hierarchies here.

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