Things Worth Teaching

Much of what is taught in churches is out of context that its not worth teaching in my opinion. To randomly teach the contents of an epistle or a Proverb out of the context and setting in which it was intended leaves the hearer with a shallow understanding. They may think their learning is deeper and richer than it really is.

I believe the only thing worth teaching to a group of Christians is the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ. This gospel is outlined below in at least 24 sessions.

I have attempted to teach this great story via video series on YouTube and on Facebook but here is an outline of how I would break it up. This gospel, to do it justice, should be broken up in 25 to 75 different sessions. All of which are connected and fit nicely together. What I am calling here the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Chrsit is God’s story of creation and recreation and our place and purpose in His unverse. it is not the ABC’s of making it into heaven. Or out of hell. It is not the Romans Road to salvation. It is a full discipleship endeavor to bring a person from conversion to participating in Christian gatherings. Those things are tiny subsets and side stories to the reality of this matchless story of God.

  1. The Gospel of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ
    • Precreation, the reason God chose to create, Gods eternal purpose. 1
    • The act of Creation (Genesis 1, Proverbs 1, Jesus Creating) 2
    • Eden, what it means, the first house of God. 3
    • The Fall, Sin and our attempt to get back 4
    • Noah and Babel 5
    • The Nations and Abram 6
    • Israel 7
    • Israel and the Prophets 8
    • Israel, David, The Psalms, and Their Messiah 9
    • The coming of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ 10
    • The kingdom of Jesus Christ 11
    • Seeing the magnitude of Jesus Christ 12
    • The death of Jesus Christ 13
    • The Resurrection of Jesus Christ 14
    • Pentecost 15
    • The ecclesia age 16, 17, 18
    • Paul’s gospel Ephesians 1-3, Romans 6-8, 19
    • Training Sessions in Gathering, being filled in the Spriit – 1 Cor 12, Eph 5, 20-26
      • 1 Cor 12 every member 20
      • 1 Cor 12 every member 21
      • Face to face open faces beholding 2 Cor 3 22
      • The Lords Supper meetings 23
      • Other gaherings 24

Something close to this is what I plan to teach and train a group of Christians in, if ever given permission from the Lord and from a group of gathering Christians.

elderly woman with a microphone outdoors

All Christian Gospels Merge in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ

It is nice to think that “the gospel” is a fixed, well-defined message, which is easily summarized in 5 minutes or less. A message essentially about getting into heaven. If it could be that then those who preach it are free to dance around it and point people to it when they are ready. Like it is a final convincing sales call, or a tool with which to close sermons or homilies.

This is Not So At All !

This may even seem to be the case in the New Testament. But I think this is because the New Testament is mostly letters from apostles written to the people who had embraced their particular gospel. And these letters were apostles who were still discipling and helping particular groups of Christians.

At the time there were dozens of other gospels circulating about God. Just like today. However, the apostles from the New Testament had their’s given to them by Jesus Christ himself.

That gospel has since been scrambled today, and the versions of Christian gospels are many today, even in evangelical churches. Of varying accuracy and fidelity to that of the New Testament. But I believe that we are gradually finding our way back to that original story of the kingdom of Jesus Christ.

The Christian Gospel is not fixed, even across “evangelical” churches.

When we hear the word the gospel, we should think of a preachers entire message, taken as a whole over time. Not just the theology of Salvation (Soteriology), the “ABCs”, or the “Romans road” to heaven.

In truth, a preahcers entire message is their gospel, spoken and unspoken. Also, any Christian who reaches out, his/her entire message is their gospel. Some gospels we here in churches today, I believe, compared to that of the apostles gospels are trash. Some are partially true, and some are great. We can measure them by the standard that is Jesus Christ himself. Without him, without truth itself, anything is valid, pick what you like to hear.

A gospel is not only communicated with what is taught or preach, but it is also how preachers behave in Christian meetings, and even in private. What happens in Christian gatherings meetings, who is allowed to dominate. Who is told to sit down, who is told to give, what words to repeat to their pew-neighbor. All of that comprises a Christian gospel, it is a message, sometimes spoken with words, sometimes spoken with acts, sometimes spoken by what is left out. About God and about Jesus Christ himself and about his kingdom.

And the particular gospel that we do embrace early on, often makes our Christian lives.

  • If its money centered, so will we be money-centered and will measure others, our own, and everyone’s spirituality by money issues.
  • If it is church-centered so will we be church centered judging others accordingly. With little depth beyond our church situation of the moment. Sometimes with our groups altogether backsliding as a team, drifting away from the Lord. Accepting whatever is taught without question, like loyal groupies.
  • If its legalistic, obesessed with sin, and in blocking sinners, so will we be legalistic, judging all the sinners and libertine Christians harshly.
  • If it is libertine and indifferent toward sin so will we be, judging all the legalist Christians harshly.
  • If it is making the world a better place for poor old God, then that’s our focus and often our obsession.

But if it can be Jesus Christ

BUT if it can be Jesus Christ, if we can handle him, if we can accept Him. If it is the story of Jesus Christ since before the foundation of the world. If it is the story of Jesus Christ starting a new humanity (his ecclesia) and his new creation. If it is the story of the kingdom of God.

Then our gospel is founded on a real spiritual rock. And we judge everything and every one by him alone, (not money, not church, not sin). And we become able to spiritually understand and handle anything that comes our way because he is the increasing and gradual summation and center of the entire universe.

And other Christians become precious sources of Him, they are not competition. They are not just someone to try to disciple and lead around. And extract a salary from. They are not someone to gather around ourselves and make a part of our church kingdom. What we think of other Christians is a good measure of the particular gospel that we have embraced.

The gospel of the kingdom begins before creation (Eph 1, John 17.) explaining WHY God created us and everything else.

It continues with the creation event (how we got here.)

The fall of man and the nefarious spiritual powers affecting us and the world system.

The selection of Abraham and his Hebrew descendants.

The coming of the messiah the perfect human, the new Adam intended to get humanity back on track to the original intent, the eternal purpose, his enduring resolve.

It includes the suffering and resurrection of Jesus Christ, killing off the old humanity from Adam & Eve and starting a fresh and new humanity.

And the new humanity the beginning of the new creation. The body of Jesus Christ sitting (for now) within the midst of the old creation which is in decline and is experiencing eviction from the earth.

This gospel story, thrills and excites me, it has changed my life and it continues to do so. I trust it will you as well.

A great book on teh gospel of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ according to the Apostle Peter.

The Gospels That We Embrace

I want you to consider which gospel you have and are embracing? (Pause)

In my experience most Evangelicals think “the gospel” is fixed and defined. Is summarized in a few sentences, called the Romans Road or the ABCs to getting saved. Usually treated like it is a 3-minute exclamation point for the sermon.

But I think there are actually many different gospels preached in evangelical churches.

A gospel is better seen as the sum total of our thoughts about God, it includes what the world is, how it works, why it and we exist.

That is a more thorough description of a gospel.

“How to get to heaven” through Jesus Christ, as wonderful and true as that is, is only part of the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ, as was brought into the world with Christ. There is much more to hear and to preach.

Like a prostitute selling and twisting a great and precious thing, for money. The purpose is off. Similarly when the purpose of the preaching gets other than the Lord speaking through a person, then the emphasis is departed from the Lord’s intent for engaging in preaching in the first place. Then it often becomes not just off-base a little, but false.

“How to get to heaven” many evangelicals have surgically removed, and made it the whole, then sprinkled 52 other gospels around it for other reasons. So much sprinkling that they are almost false gospels (depending on the preacher), because the emphases are so far off on tangents.

Gospels, when embraced produce certain types of loyal and committed followers. The gospel of Islam produces a certain type of wildly committed radical follower.

Similarly in Christ certain gospels produce the type of Christian individuals and communities.

There is a gospel that produces teams of Christians who hire someone to gather around, a professional to lead and to head and to orchestrate the meetings. Someone who serves to isolate them from those they disagree with and don’t like. Someone to tell them when to come, how much to give, when to sit, when to leave, when to repeat after me, when to fellowship. And through sermons someone to tell them what is the mind of Christ as a weekly audience.

But fortunately as we read about in scripture there is also a gospel that connects people to the spirit of Jesus Christ. Who then gather as bodies of Christians. Who gather at his leading. Who leads a people to all contribute and who all one by one prophecy the greatness of Jesus Christ one. They allow Jesus Christ to lead, head and even orchestrate each meeting through every member in submission and in cooperation. And they together uncover the will and the mind of Christ. Assembling daily as the body of Jesus Christ in the earth in order to display the glory of God in the earth, to challenge the principalities and powers. And to usher fallen and dead humanity into the new humanity which has already begun in Jesus Christ.

Someday if the Lord allows it, I’ll teach and preach that glorious gospel.

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