Washington DC, Money, and Justice

Nancy Pelosi is running again and she says it is so she can raise money for Democrats. Further evidence that money is the lifeblood of our current government system, even voting results can literally be closely linked to money, whether that be buying votes in return for favors, or hiring people to commit voter fraud, (both likely happening).

Many argue that this politician has been the most effective speaker in US history at accomplishing her agenda for loyal party members and her particular base of voters. I think they have a strong case for this. If that is the measure of effectiveness then I’d have to agree with them.

Regardless of what effective means, or what motivates her… a close look at her lifestyle, income and career I think is the best indictment against our federal government and political system’s I have seen in a long time.

Our federal government which started well, has evolved into its current godless, anti-Christ state. But it had to… didn’t it? This is what human government does. Literally all of them have. Unless the Lord himself intervenes in the affairs of our government. They require periodic violence if even a basic things like liberty and justice are to remain a thing. (Patrick Henry said as much).

One reason the ministry of the body of Jesus Christ exists on earth, is to counter this demonic force in the earth. And to hold it to the measure of Jesus Christ, even if this results in our demise.

It is easy to demonize the democrat party and then excuse the whole system, but if it wasn’t this party it would be some other group who yields to evil spirits in pursuit of power and money, whispering in their ears. It would be some other political party or some military strong-man or even some other government invasion.

Human governments are not the ecclesia of Jesus Christ therefore …. DC had to become this, as there is a unique link to demonic principalities and powers.

And for what is coming, without a dramatic and very public turn toward Jesus Christ, the only real source of liberty and justice, by our federal government, it should not even continue to exist. I know that likely has some negative implications for many, but it is still true. Is it time to end our federal government? Or is reform still possible? Jesus Christ is the one who decides its fate.


The Gospel of the State

soldier holding gun

The Amazing Psalm 23 – rewritten

This is a version of Psalm 23 for those who bow the knee to human government (which it seems to be much of the world in 2023). I’m writing a book (or trying to) called The Gospel of the State. It compares the dream of human government to the kingdom/ government of Jesus Christ.

My Government is my Shepherd

“My government is my shepherd so I shall not lack. It insults those I hate until I repay with my vote. It leads me into calm with free meds from Pharma. It restores my accounts with ‘rebates’ stolen from the rich. It borrows from our kids to inflate the cost of everything. But I don’t care because it leads me down paths of dependency for virtue’s sake. 

Yay though I approach the valley of death I won’t fear, because your meds dull everything. You meet some of my demands and you shield me from those I hate. My cup is filled for a time with handouts some one else paid for. Surely money and displays of virtue will follow me and I will meditate on my state Media… as long as it’s free.“

This negative version is a bit silly I know, but it is not far off for some people. 

Below is another version of Psalm 23, written in February 2023, a positive version with my interpretation in context of a government. 

The Lord is My Government

The Lord is my government who keeps me safe, fed, and clothed. So I lack nothing. My wants don't matter at all, because I adapt to his rich provisions. 

He makes me rest, he directs my life, he corrects my mistakes. He reparis my mind, my emotions, and my body with a rightous life and with a Holy vision. 

When my appointed times comes I now fear nothing, he even cares for me in death. He provides despite those who hate and steal from me. So much that my cup overflows. Goodness follows me now from infancy to the grave, and I will dwell with Him forever. 

ornamented memorial building and statue

Communsim Found in The Ecclesia …NOT the State

This article is for my leftist friends who want socialism and/or communism.

I’ve recently read the Communist Manifesto (2021) by Karl Marx. And I must say it is better than I had expected.

The problem with the communist and socialist nations and governments to date is not with the ideas of communism. The problem is with Marxism and its reliance on a STATE to implement. This is the fatal flaw of all present and past socialist movements within nations.

In a sentence, human government is tainting and destroying all efforts at communism and socialism. Human government is horrific, it destroys whatever it touches. The real and underlying reason for this is a spiritual one. Human government is linked to satanic principalities and powers. Is it not ironic that every communist nation has had a strong, oppressive, governement tryrant at its head?

We’ve only ever had real communism in Christian communities. The ones with no human government. A real Christian community that is led of the spirit has a government that is of the government of the spirit of Jesus Christ. He governs through all present. He is the system, he personally is the hierarchy, he is the judge, and he is the wisdom through every member.

Marx’s vision of the state was a collective organization of benevolent proletariat, sort of like a labor union. That was the battle of his day, abusive business owners getting rich off the laborers.

Reality resulted quickly in a powerful and oppressive hierarchy calling itself socialism or communism…with a murderous military man at it’s head.

Now with communism’s horrific reputation and the oppressive nature of leftist government thugs, Nations who go socialist quickly collapse into chaos, depression and corruption because there is such rejection to it. It is sad and unfair. The reputation of socialism and communism is the terrible reputation of human government. Godless, incompetent, corrupt and disqualified human government.

But the real reputation of communism should be attached to the ecclesia, the early church and other examples of church communities, not a brutal heirarchical human government. Marx himself looked to the Christian amish communities in America as examples that it could work. Overlooking and dismissing the role of Christian love.

Marx should not have written his book, his ideas about the STATE were like his undeveloped religion, plagiarized from Christianity. He had un reasonable and irrational beliefs about the state and misunderstandings about Jesus Christ and his followers.

Jesus Christ makes real communism work within his ecclesia, the Christian community, as designed by the Lord Jesus. And no human government is involved. No taxes are needed, only the love and the generosity of Jesus followers. It is not controlled or engineered or forced or imposed involuntarily.

We walk into it freely, voluntarily, as we seek Jesus Christ. It occurs effortlessly and without travail, without martial law, without dictators. Without vote cheating and without reliance on cruelty.

It is the most beautiful thing on earth, it is what we all are looking for.

I am writing a book about human government called The Gospel of the State, the manuscript is almost complete.

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