The Good Fruit of Spiritual Ministry versus Institutional Ministry

In the modern church system, church planting seems to be viewed as a separate and distinct ministry, done with or without salvation preaching. Today in many evangelical traditions, church planting heavily involves money…buying real estate, establishing a religious corporation with the state, marketing, and doing good deeds for a community. My point is, that this is not what we see in scripture, something spiritual is missing. These modern men are very often attempting to plant something different from what Jesus Christ the apostles planted.

Jesus Christ after his resurrection, explained to his disciples all things in their scriptures (writings of Moses and the prophets) concerning himself. (see Luke 24:27)

Stephen explained to those he was preaching, much of the spiritual explanation of the history of Israel before they stoned him to death. (see Acts 7)

Paul would take several months to preach his gospel which had been given to him in the desert and confirmed with the other apostles, that gospel (referred to in Ephesians, Romans, Corinthians, Colossians) also was as his discipleship, and it was his ministry of church planting.

The early church was reported to have continued in the “apostle teachings.” (Acts 2:42-47)

Jesus commissioned his disciples to go and to teach all nations, baptizing them, and making disciples, all these ministries seem synonymous and are not separate and distinct ministries we can break apart to the neglect of the others. (see Matthew 28:18-20)

All these ministries are referring to the same thing, the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom. Making disciples, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and planting churches are synonymous in the New Testament.

They were not intended to be separate ministries. Per the New Testament there is not a separate ministry of the church called “preaching sermons” nor is “listening to sermons.”

If it doesn’t accomplish anything spiritually, it ought not be done in a Christian gathering.

And to do one without the other is not something the Lord is doing. In other words, if a person is gifted to and able to preach the gospel of the kingdom.

Firstly, he will be one who has embraced that gospel in his own private and public life.

Secondly, he will be able to preach and teach that gospel.

Thirdly, he will comprehend all of that gospel and not neglect portions of it for any reason.

Fourthly, the fruit of it will be evident in the formation of groups of Christians who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ (the ecclesia/church), who gather together regularly, and produce the spiritual fruit of the kingdom of heaven.

What I am really trying to get at in this article is that the ecclesia (the church) results from the gospel of the kingdom, not salaries, book sales, social media posts, or endless entertaining Sunday sermons. The things that produce those other things alone are not the gospel referred to in the scriptures, if those things are all we are seeing then it is another gospel entirely we see at work among us.

For more on this, take the time to listen to this audio message from T. Austin Sparks recorded in 1960.

Read more from this site.

Please comment below any thoughts you may have on this topic.

Refusing Love

When the church fails to fulfill its ministry, it is like a bride refusing to return the love of a bridegroom. It’s a painful thing for the groom.

The Gospel to the Aztecs

In 1520 Hernan Cortez visited emperor Moctezuma and preached his version of the Christian gospel to him. This gospel of Cortez to the Aztecs is summarized as follows:

“You are following and worshipping demons, but the one true God who created all things wants you to worship Him. I represent Him and you need to submit to me now and allow us to control your society and land. And if you don’t cooperate we will conquer you by force.”

Cortez’s gospel was very blunt and very demanding, his mission to ancient Mexico seemed to have serve about three main purposes for himself and for Spain.

1) To get access to Mexico’s wealth and abundance.

2) To expand the Spanish empire.

3) To provide a certain Christian gospel to the entire nation and region. Giving them a chance to be part of the Spanish Catholic kingdom.

But, what really matters is God’s motive in allowing Cortez to conquer Mexico in such dramatic manner. I think that is the most important question in studying this and most episodes of history.

After studing many accounts of this time, I think given the reports of widespread human ritual sacrifice, that the Lord determined to put a stop to the Aztec religion and government. The ungodly and self-serving motives of Spanish empire, the greed for gold, and the religious ambition of Cortez I believe were side-issues to the Lord. A means to an end. We should not interpret Cortez’s actions as approved by the Lord because he won. Neither should we interpret the evil of Cortez as an indication that the Lord was not behind the downfall of the Aztecs religion and government.

Cortez, being as militarily skilled as he and his men were, was probably one of the only persons alive at that time even able to get to the capital of the Mexican kingdom before getting killed (and perhaps eaten.)

The truth and the Lord’s reason for allowing this, is likely somewhere in the middle.

It’s sort of like the angel of the Lord responding to Joshua as he approached Canaan and asked are you with us or our enemies? The Lord responded “neither, but I am the captain of the Lord’s armies.” So, Joshua quickly got on his side, Joshua connected with the Lord’s purpose and his purpose and motives were secondary.

And I believe that Cortez was on the Lord’s side in Mexico. Not everything he did was on the Lord’s side or was the Lord even ok with. But he was a tool, just for that time and place to remove a great deal of evil, a great deal of satanic stronghold in that land and among those people.

Historians of Cortez are careful to note and emphasize his motives of greed and imperial conquest. And they should not be minimized or overlooked for sure.

However, Aztec religion believed that ritual human sacrifice was an important requirement for the continuation of the universe. They believed health, rain, crops and water were the result of the killing of children, babies and other innocent people they had conquered.

Montezuma the king of the Aztec nation even believed Cortez’s rebuke of their human sacrifice and his calling their gods ‘demons’ required even more sacrifices to appease the anger of his gods. For a glimpse of what society was like, the Mel Gibson movie, Apocalypto depicts what a society of ritual religious was human sacrifice like.

All that being said imagine if the gospel of one of the apostles, say the apostle Paul were to have invaded Mexico rather than, the gospel of Cortez. What would have been the effect? How would have Mexico fared differently? Would God have used other means entirely to break the violent Aztec religion and kingdoms?

Thinking even broader, how does the Christian gospel that comes to a non-Christian people affect a society long term?

In my article series the gospel to the Mongols I imagine what effect the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ would have on the Mongols had they first heard it rather than the gospel of the Roman Catholic Pope of the 13th century. Because it was a different gospel in many significant ways.

It is too much to write here but in my coming book The Gospel of the State, I imagine what it would’ve been like if the gospel of the kingdom had come to Mexico instead of the gospel of the Spanish Catholicism of Cortez.

It’s a powerful and exciting exercise of what could have been. Would someone like Paul been immediately killed by the Aztecs? Did God have anyone at that time who would have been able to communicate to the Aztecs and represent Him? Who would not have been immediately killed and sacrificed to their gods? Was that society so violent and controlled by demonic powers that it needed a military person like Cortez to even go to these people? It is interesting to think about and it seems to me that God had decided to put a stop to the wickedness of this religion and governement so that the great peopel of Mexico can be free and have the freedom to not be sacrificed.

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