Not Neglecting The Whole Counsel of God

“The very word or term “Gospel” has come to imply something less than “the whole counsel of God”, and to be applied almost exclusively to the beginnings of the Christian life.”

T. Austin Sparks (1954)

…for teachers and preachers today to share the gospel and salvation, and to make it exclusively about the beginnings of Christianity and heaven, is to neglect much of it. It produces a church obsessed with only the beginnings of Christianity and they struggle to mature and go beyond those beginnings. It also leaves the Christian in the dark about things such as, why God created, Jesus’ role in the present and future universe, the

We should understand ‘gospel’ to mean “the whole counsel of God” and if we have that gospel it should take months to preach and teach it all. Not 3 minutes conclusions at the end of random, entertaining topical sermons. There should be some accountability for those who claim to be ‘preaching the gospel.’

To Paul ‘salvation’ meant all the work that God has done to get us into his kingdom, and that includes all the work he intends for the church to do in the earth, here and now. Not only the future experience of heaven and resurrection.

Hebrews 2:1 Therefore we must pay closer attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away. For if the message spoken through angels proved to be so firm that every violation or disobedience received its just penalty, how will we escape if we neglect such a great salvation? It was first communicated through the Lord and was confirmed to us by those who heard him, 

Whichever apostle wrote the book of Hebrews, perhaps Barnabas or Paul or maybe Silas. He warns here in Hebrews 2 to watch out for a drifting away from the gospel and neglecting it. So this is something they were already experiencing and concerned about in the first century. We have no right to dumb down the gospel, and to condense it so it will fit into our 45 minute sermon conclusion, is to strip it of much detail. Condensing it and stripping it also robs those who hear it of much insight into Jesus Christ, into our current dispensation. And understanding of the purpose of creation, Christianity itself, and the ministry/ calling of the church. The gospel preached produces the church. A partial or a dumbed down gospel, changes the church that embraces it. It hinders it, it turns it into something the Lord never intended it to be. A mere idle audience of hearers, being told elementary things repeatedly, who are often used as tithers in support of a salary or a building fund.

For more on this read T. Austin Sparks book The Gospel According to Paul

More content on the gospel from this blog.

statue of saint peter

Foundation Stones of The Gospel of Peter

Every Christian leader has his or her take on the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ. I’ve been studying the life and the gospel and the ministry of the Apostle Simon Peter and his two letters in the New Testament (1 Peter & 2 Peter).

In these two letters I’ve found what I think are about Five Foundational Stones upon which those letters are founded. Peter would make these spiritual points and then elaborate at great length on the implications to these points. He would assume knowledge of these points about the Lord in his readers, and then based on a good portion of new teachings on these points for his followers.

1. The Suffering and Glory of Jesus Christ.

2. Jesus Christ was foreknown before the foundation of the world, (God still has his Eternal Purpose, and Jesus Christ is still central to it, that should give us great joy and hope.)

3. Increasing in the Knowledge of Jesus Christ is central to the Christian life.

4. Jesus Christ is currently an approachable, good and reliable shepherd for the Christian.

5. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ enables us to be born again. And his delay in returning is enabling more children into his kingdom through the preaching of his followers. The born again members of his kingdom on earth are the new Spiritual Israel.

The apostle Peter was an amazing man. I hope to teach in detail on the Apostle Peter soon and his gospel. And to elaborate on these five pillars and all there remarkable implications for the Christian today.

Here is another great resource, a book on the apostle Peter (by T. Austin Sparks).

Do We Need Revivals or A Purified Gospel?

I’ve been thinking about this for a while now. Recently I’ve been hearing many Christians (and others) praying and talking about Christian revival. And I must admit the need for revival is self-evident and I understand why people are praying for it.

But I think it a fools errand to try to drum up some fervant church gatherings with zeal and with powerful religious effort, drum up a crowd with great bands and much hand waving and then call it “REVIVAL!”

The Gospels that are being proclaimed are producing the churches and the meetings that we see today. Some gospels that are commonly preached today produce almost Christians who exclusively sit in pews. Pew-sitting is 99% of their Christian life and the highlight of it altogether. The Pew-sitters (introverts) or Pew-entertainers (the extroverts). To intensify and double down on that type of Christian gatherings ought not every be called revival.

I don’t say that to be critical. I simply want to point everyone to their own particular gospel. It’s the gospel that we have, the particular gospel that we hear, embrace, and teach ithers which is producing what we see, (or do not see) in our Chrisitan gatherings.

Are your Chrisitan gatherings cold, indifferent?, are they crowds of idle Christians, staring at the back of each others heads, unable and unwilling to share anything spiritual themselves? Other than regurgitating what they just heard in the sermon, whether its biblical or not. Unable and unwilling to speak out the light and life of Jesus Christ themselves?

If Paul or Peter or Jesus Christ were here today in body, would they not re-evangelize us with the same gospel that they had and shared in the first century? I think there is a good chance they would and I think there is a good chance many Christians would seek them out for this exact thing. Most Chrisitians of today I think would instinctively say to them “Give us what you have because we don’t yet have it, it’s true, that after 20, 30, even 50 years of hearing Sunday sermons I still don’t have what you can give me in a few dozen hours of teaching.”

Their gospel contained within itself the spiritual food necessary to make disciples in a few short months of preaching and teaching. And it created the spiritual building blocks to make communities of Christians who shared their lives together, who endured horrible persecutions. Communities which naturally sprung up wherever it was allowed to be embraced.

Historically revivals which have a lasting effects on nations are precluded by preaching, preaching that is embraced by a large number of people who respond to it.

Never forget that it is gospels which produce revivals. Not emotionalism, exaggeration about miracles, zeal, nor passionate music. We can scheule and annual revival but the ones that make lasting impacts on society emerge from the gospels that are shared.

I’ve been present in special meetings (called revivals). The presence and love of the Holy Spirit is felt and easily noticed by almost all who are present. I think this happens in meetings like this not becuase we were calling it revival but becuase we were just worshiping the Lord as should be done in any and every Christian meeting. We should not have to call it revival, it should be the norm. Something is wrong with our norm because our norm is not in submission to the Spirit of God so we have special, different meetings just to escape the trap we’ve put ourselves in, the trap being meetings not led by the Holy Spirit this usually being because of insistence on tradition.

What we hope decades and even centuries of revivals to do to transform the church.

The Gospel of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ preached everywhere I believe could do in just a few months to the church and then as a result do great damage to the world system.

Centuries of cycles of revivals and backsliding and revivals and back sliding or let us today each examine our fruit, then may we dig deeper and examine our gospel. Acknowledge its weakness and incompleteness and seek to perfect and purifiy the gospel we’ve embraced.

Below is a teaching from T. Austin Sparks called ‘God’s Way of Recovery’ which goes with this line of thinking about revivals.

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