To the Mountains in Spring Time
This post is to record our family trip to Buena Vista Colorado in May 2015. In May of 2014 I attended the SCORRE conference in Orlando Florida, on the last day the event organizers (including Ken Davis) gave away a ticket to the Platform Conference. And one week free in Ken Davis personal mountain home in Buena Vista.
I went to the Platform Conference in Colorado Springs in November 2014 and to Ken Davis’s home with my family for this trip.
Day 1 Flight:
Took shuttle flight on Wednesday to Lexington KY, kids loved the plane and the free OJ. At take off Sue turned to dad and said “Now THIS is a trip” we rented a Sienna in Lexington, stopped at a great Kentucky Fried Chicken in Kentucky (better than the ones in NY).
We then drove to outside Kansas City (almost 600 miles), got a hotel at about 10:30pm. Melanie drove the entire day 7-months pregnant… that’s what she wanted.
Day 2 …Kansas Forever:
Woke up and hit the road by 8:15am drove through Missouri, Kansas and ½ of Colorado (over 600miles). Everyone was very grumpy and tired from ~13 hours in the van. Mom drove all day until Colorado Springs, dad drove up to Buena Vista. Elevation of Buena Vista is about 9000 feet, about 1.5 miles higher than home.

flat empty beautiful Missouri, Kansas, Colorado all day long
Day 3 – Rainy Day of Rest
Dad woke up and got groceries at ~6:30, snow on the ground, most day was cold 35-55 and rainy. Decided to have a day of rest, school-work and planning. The house is perfect, 5 bedrooms, 4 bathroom, dining room, 2 family rooms, 3 car garage. Buena Vista is about 9000 feet in elevation, much of the day we were actually in a cloud.
Our home in NY is about 1.5 miles below us at about 500 feet in elevation. Colorado Springs is 6035 feet in elevation. Denver is 5280 feet in elevation. The front of the house is a view down into a valley of Buena Vista, behind us is mountains (mount Columbia and mount Harvard). Both of these mountains are higher than 14,000 feet, the views were amazing.
We did get a little restless and took a walk to the pond and the walking trail.
The Rest of the Trip
The mountains were amazing, so was all the family time. If you’ve never been to Colorado, its a must see trip. I enjoyed this trip to the mountains in springtime more than a typical sunburn trip at the beach. Check out Annie’s song by John Denver about the mountains in spring time. After spending time in Colorado I think I understand this song a little better.
Check out my other post about this trip My Three Hours in The Mountain