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Introducing Graham Douglas Colllier

So this happened…

On July 31st, our  son was born at 4:30 in the morning. My wife pushed him out with excruciating pain with no pain meds and no epidural!  She pushed him out after pushing for just 30-minutes, what a woman!

We feel so blessed to have a still growing family.

We named him Graham Douglas Collier, Graham seemed like a reasonable name for the young guy it means gravelly homestead  which essentially means a home covered with stones.

Douglas was my grandfather’s name.

Mom, Dad, Graham

Mom, Dad, Graham


Four Amazing Greek Words

chair_circleI’ve been engaged in intensive studies about Jesus Christ since January, I feel like I’ve just scratched the surface about him, all he said, all he did, all he is doing through his body and all he hopes to  through his body, in the earth.

In these studies I’ve discovered some key greek words which I wanted to share here on my blog.

Understanding these three words I think can help a person to understand Jesus Christ and what his plan is for his people and this creation we live in.

  1. Koinonia – communion, mutual love, sharing of life
  2. Ecclesia – the church of Jesus Christ, the body of believers current living on the earth.
  3. Karpophoros – creativity, the fruitfulness of human beings
  4. anakephalaiosastha – (unite) gathering things together and presenting them as a whole

I would tie them all together with the following sentence:

“The Ecclesia is intended for koinonia with one another, with God the Father, with God the Son, and through God the Spirit. The result of this being anakephalaiosastha of all things seen and unseen and world-changing karpophoros as has never before been seen.”

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