What the Kingdom of Jesus is like

The kingdom Jesus is like a federal agency called NASA. Equipped with many billions of dollars, many scientists, engineers, managers, and spokespeople. With the full support of their government and the people all with ONE shared mission.

Like federal agencies there is an spiritual agency of the kingdom of Jesus called the ecclesia. It is the body of Jesus Christ and it has one glorious mission. A mission with limitless resources from its king. This mission is alluded to in Ephesians 1.

ESV verse 10 reads to unite all things in him, NASB reads the summing up of all things in Christ, NIV says to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ

Jesus Christ has a gathering together in one, a unification of all things, a bringing of unity to all things, and a summing up of all things in himself ministry. And this ministry has been delegated to his followers, his body in the earth.

One of the primary ministries of the church is to gather together, to sum up, to comprehend and to explain all things according to Jesus Christ. That is our ministry, that is our mission, that is our vocation.

We are like a federal agency for him, by him, about him and loyal to him.

The kingdom of Jesus is not like a loose collection of competitive religious shows who compete for the same few audience members. It’s not at all like a show or a intellectual religious lecture. Its not like a performance and an audience.

The kingdom of Jesus is like federal agency of Jesus Christ, which displays and explains to all of creation the magnitude, and the importance of the king over all things, Jesus Christ. Explaining and displaying how everything in all of creation revolves around, and is defined by, the true king.

Jesus Christ Our Universe of Truth

When Jesus Christ encompasses our universe of truth and reality.

We can gradually begin to explain everything, nothing catches us off guard. No one can get one-over on us and we can’t be pulled into emotionally charged deception.

He has already been through the end of all things, he has already personally overseen the extinction of humanity. And he is managing personally the starting over of a new race of humanity along the lines of our original intent and purpose.

What can possibly upset him or cause him to panic? Nothing can …and no one will trick him into doing what they want him to.

Jesus is like an eternally large immovable mountain that our universe revolves around and is set upon and is held together by..

“War” On Earth

Seeing and realizing the magnitude of who is Jesus Christ is one thing. It starts little then it grows forever into eternity, if we are willing to keep looking, and to keep seeking.

But, responding appropriately to the sight of him is entirely another thing all together. That is the real test of our lives. Response to him has little to do with where we go on Sunday mornings. Religious traditions and habits have been surpassed and made almost irrelevant.

When Jesus prayed “your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” this was an act of war on earth, here among the nations of mankind. War against Satan and all his loyal children occupying government’s and religion’s and systems of money.

“…after that those who are Christ’s at His coming, then comes the end, when He hands over the kingdom to the God and Father, when He has abolished all rule and all authority and power. For He must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet.” – 1 Cor 15:23-24

Jesus Christ has enemies still wreaking havoc in the earth. But, He is personally subduing them through his ecclesia (the church). This can be seen in real time all over the earth. Sometimes through political activities, sometimes through war, other times through economics and many other ways too complex and subtle to even point to. 

When our Lord Jesus brought himself down to earth, things began to change down here. Satan was confused and did not understand how to react to it. He first tried to subdue and trick him then he went straight to violence and death. Satan does not want to yield.

And just when we think we can pick up some weapon of human warfare (military, politics, human governments, capitalism, communism) to help Jesus or control this process that Jesus is accomplishing, that weapon itself blows up in our faces. It truly is His battle, it is His place to put His enemies under His feet. We get to cooperate and help him only to the extent and the degree that we are yielded wholly to him, moment by moment. 

When I think of the Lord Jesus now I no longer think “haha heaven when I die”, I think “haha heaven coming down to earth”. Thinking this way is dangerous, it can make for a lot of enemies still. But thinking this way is the most accurate way to think which is consistent with reality.

For more on the Gospel of the Kingdom Of Jesus Christ, listen to this podcast.

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