Making Sense of Things on Earth

Making sense of things…

Who is in charge of the earth spiritually and if it’s God why all the bad news, deception, misfortune, pain, and suffering? It just doesn’t add up.

Answer: the situation of Jesus Christ explains reality on planet earth. Jesus the resurrected God-man is seated high above all spiritual power and authority. He has a direct tie to the earth through his followers.

But ONLY through his followers.

There is also an entire fake Christian movement that is just another man-made religion that is not loyal to the kingship of Jesus, (he is only the mascot). This religion spans both Catholicism and Protestantism, it is everywhere and it is anti-Christ at its core.

Anti-Christ and pro religion.

Cooperating with Satan’s Hierarchy of Lies and Violence

Under Jesus Christ is a layer of rebellious spiritual rulers, violent, hostile, deceptive and disconnected from him. These rulers have direct ties to the earth through human government, possessing and controlling king’s and other rulers who cooperate with his hierarchy of lies and violence.

The closest similarity in ancient history that displays what it’s like between Jesus and the earth today is a Roman emperor with his own army going against a violent and illegitimate Roman general with his own loyal army who wants to rule. There is a massive disconnect. Whatever towns the rebellious Roman general rules or terrorizes does not reflect on the real emperor.

Satan has controlled large portions of the earth since Adam & Eve. Primarily through human governments and religions.

But he is losing grip, Jesus is increasing, and using even his rebellious fallen creation for his purpose.

The eclessia of Jesus Christ is the one and only place ON EARTH where Jesus Christ is king and Lord.

“ON EARTH as it is in heaven.”

Gods Enduring Resolve

God’s Secret

God’s Secret (its a big one)

Did you know that God had secrets that he intentionally hid from mankind? Gods secret, also referred to the mystery in the New Testament is Gods story of patient endurance and progressive revelation. Generations past were kept in the dark about certain specifics concerning Gods purpose for creating and his future plans.

“which in other generations was not made known to the sons of men, as it has now been revealed to His holy apostles and prophets in the Spirit;

and to bring to light what is the administration of the mystery which for ages has been hidden in God who created all things;”

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭3:5, 9‬ ‭NASB‬‬

God was very strategic to all the generations of men to let them in on only so much of what he was doing.

God’s plan unfolded very slowly.

Think of all the generations before Christ even came. Think of all the prep work, all the gradual revelation. A prophet here and there. A type, a shadow. So prolonged and strategic and seemingly drawn out. Think of all the horrific reality so many billions of people have experienced, the other gods they worshiped and served who were really angelic beings. Think of the suffering, the pain, the horrific reality of so many for so long. The wars, the murder, the sacrifices, the rule and reign of death and fear of death over humanity.

But then one day came the lowly Jesus Christ, like a lamb to the slaughter. The real sufferer, the real sacrifice, the real murder victim, the real man of sorrows and grief.

The End of Death

He ended death… with death. He turned the tables on the murderous god of this world who himself didn’t fully understand what was happening.

Satan was in the dark concerning the enormity of what was happening. Satan the killer and ruler of men was killing his best and biggest and most effective weapon that he had over his enslaved human race, death.

Think of all the types and shadows and talk and meaning leading up to the real thing, Jesus Christ himself.

“We have found Him of whom Moses in the Law and also the Prophets wrote – Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.”” Phillip in John‬ ‭1:45‬ ‭

The endurance of God really blows me away, his plan and utter commitment to that plan is almost to great to fully comprehend. Regardless of what humans go through and endure God is almost infinitely committed to his plan which is even now barely discussed and understood.

The fact that he would orchestrate such a long and drawn out plan through out history should tell us the enormity and infinite importance of it.

To be more specific, God is emphasizing Jesus Christ to every generation from Adam to today (2018). He emphasizes him by the immense length he went to to keep his mystery hidden until Jesus Christ, he saved it for him. It is emphasized it in Jesus as he gradually reveals it through the body of Christ, the church in the earth. Which is bringing about the will and reign of God on earth …”as it is in heaven.”

Hidden Even Still

This purpose of God is hidden still to those of us who neglect Jesus Christ. Reject Jesus Christ and even our existence remains a mystery. Let alone the complex problems in reality.

But to those of us who know to center ourselves and fixate ourselves on Jesus alone, as does God, there is for us heaven on earth. There is clarity of who we are, why we are here and exactly what is coming.

God seems to be infinitely resolved in what he is doing. That resolve is summed up and concentrated in the person of Jesus Christ.

Another way of saying it…

Gods secret plan and the purpose for the creation is now revealed. Gods secret is concentrated and poured into the person of Jesus Christ. And God is intensely devoted and committed and resolved to that purpose.

Jesus Christ is Gods enduring resolve, God’s eternal purpose, God’s center of attention.

Seeing this, knowing this we ought to stand up, take sober notice of him daily and live likewise.

What are you resolved about?

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