The Fragrance of Jesus Christ

A Jesus-Dream

My dream is that knowledge of Jesus Christ would spread as a continuous fragrant offering up to God. Spontaneous, world-wide, uncontrolled and unstoppable. May his assemblies spread, and may his representatives spread this sweet fragrance of Christ all over the planet. Not through sermons and mass by professionals but by every person in every town in whom Jesus dwells.

When Aaron trims the lamps at twilight, he shall burn incense. There shall be perpetual incense before the Lord throughout your generations. – Exodus 30:8

I think the prophet Malachi, the apostle Paul, and many others, also had this dream. Notice in the verse below that Malachi said “among the nations” and “in every place“. His prophecy involved everywhere, not only in Israel. Notice that Paul said “through us“, he was not speaking of his team of leaders but to the entire assembly in Corinth, every member.

“For from the rising of the sun even to its setting, My name will be great among the nations. In every place incense is going to be offered to My name, and a grain offering that is pure; for My name will be great among the nations,” says the LORD of hosts.” – ‭‭Malachi‬ ‭1:11‬ ‭

“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; to the one an aroma from death to death, to the other an aroma from life to life. And who is adequate for these things?” – ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭2:14-16

Jesus-people declaring Jesus himself. I look forward seeing to the fragrance of Christ emanating throughout all generations.

if you liked this you might like AW Tozer’s prophecy about modern churches.

If you have the same dream I want to connect, please email me at


Godless Caste System

Zeal and Promotion

When I was a younger man I believed in working very hard with zeal and in order to gain the favor of certain people in church leadership. I believed that I would be promoted to higher status and responsibility within my church. This promotion would give me access to the pastor, to his pulpit once in a while and friendships with others in the inner circle. All it required was hard work, an attitude of service and my tithes; which I was giving anyhow. I was in what can be compared to a caste system.

And the lukewarm people who wouldn’t work like us would just remain in their lukewarm lower class state.

It is like a caste system yet one can move to the higher caste with trying very hard and ‘obedience’.

I remember one time during this time in my life a friend of ours mocked our class system. At the time I had thought that she was lukewarm. I was politely offended, and I blew her off. I thought to myself that she had an attitude problem. I’d say to myself ‘what is she doing at church anyhow? nothing!’ So I had a right, so I felt, to disregard her and not listen to her critique.

Looking back I think Jesus himself was displeased with my line of thinking. He was expressing himself through her in her displeasure at our little upper class church-club mentality. I think he was with her and not with me in that exchange. It was I who had the wrong attitude toward what she was saying.

Godless Caste System of Classes

During my time at this church I had jumped into a Godless caste-like system with both feet. I think it appealed to my legalistic tendencies. I use the strong term ‘Godless’ only because Jesus Christ has not authored that system. Jesus Christ does not approve of that system, especially within groups which call themselves church. His absence alone makes a system or an institution Godless.

Any system or institution that Jesus Christ is not absolute Lord over and has not himself instituted is Godless.

Jesus’ people have no upper and lower classes. There is no promotion within the body of Christ based on performance and/or behavior with money.

The ecclesia that Jesus Christ is building is like a human body. It is not like a caste system of hard work and promotions. All members equally take commands from the head. There are no upper and lower class members within a human body. All have a specific function and all take orders equally from the head. There is not hierarchy and delegation and separation from the head. All members care for one another equally with differing roles and abilities.

I’ve come to believe that it is the duty of every member of Christ to lovingly reject Godless systems. Systems which attempt to replace the rule and will of Jesus Christ…will not succeed long term.

to gather together

How We Gather… How We Behave

How Christians Gather:

How Christians gather has a major impact on how Christians routinely behave. Much more so than I think any of us realize. Christian meetings themselves are designed by Jesus Christ to do many things. The meetings themselves are designed to disciple, to correct, to soften, to sharpen, to encourage. They are designed to provide for and to fill us with his life and his joy.

Nothing affects how Christians behave more than what happens (or does not happen) during our weekly Christian gatherings.

In every meeting are we?:

Large crowds of Idle listeners to a lifetime of sermons? OR Every member actively sharing Jesus Christ one by one?

Hearing legalist pleas to be better and to try harder. OR Actively sharing of Jesus Christ by all involved.

Bringing “songs, testimonies, prophecies” and everyone speaking up. OR Amatures in pews repeating after the religious professionals on the elevated stage?

Feeding one another Jesus Christ one by one. OR Demanding to be fed by finding the most personally entertaining “church meeting” we can.

Jesus Defined His Gatherings

The truth is that Jesus Christ has already defined how Christians are to gather. He demonstrated it in the gospels and taught about it in great detail in the epistles and in Acts. Even portions of the Old Testament refer to and outline it.

IF Jesus Christ is really our day-to-day Lord and not just a religious idea that we love. Then we will be willing to let him personally run our meetings of the future. Jesus our indwelling life-giving spirit certainly can run a gathering if we learn to yield to him.

If this post intrigues or even angers you then please reach out to me by commenting or emailing me. This book by Frank Viola goes deeper into this. An increasingly large number of people are Rethinking how we gather.

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