Big Church…Small Minded

When I committed to posting blog articles daily last month I did not think that a month in I’d want to post two per day. I’ve noticed that activity in anything I set out to create almost always stimulates further activity.

It’s the same way with inactivity.

So Imagine how much more of the work of Jesus Christ would happen if Christians were active. And were not stuck in the tradition of sitting idle and watching others “let their light shine” professionally on Sunday mornings!!

•How many more church meetings would be scheduled?

•How many more kids would start shining Jesus to their generation?

•How many more theologians would be writing books and sharing videos and podcasts?

•How many more Christians would even exist …if the church was active?, were trained to be active, trained and expected to bring a teaching or a song or an encouragement, or their extra finances to share with one another at every meeting? Then allowed and encouraged to share one by one?

I’d rather have a million small (30 member) churches that don’t have a building than a thousand big ones (500+ members) that do.

That is 30 times more Christians potentially who are active as opposed to 1/30th of that who let their clergy do the majority of the “work” and the sharing. The difference is incalculable, it would be like we were living on another planet.

Jesus people, bringing the kingdom of heaven down to earth.

Big-money church mentality is small-minded!

What Jesus started was much bigger and better, exponential means multiplication upon multiplication. Your pastor may be able to win 500 and handle 1000 if he is talented enough… but what happens when he moves away? Or retires or just quits? Likely collapse and dispersal of the body because it all rests on him.

It is not scale-able.

It serves a tiny, talented, clergy, and those ambitious enough to become clergy. It does not serve Jesus Christ well and not the masses of people he is after.

My prayer is that we (all Christians) together go back to following him and his plan for how and when to gather.

A Story of Two Pastors

One pastor runs his church service as an evangelism-show to attract and convert non-Christians to Christ. A crowd comes to watch the show each week, like a broadway play, and some do come to Christ.

Another pastor from another generation runs his church as a Christian teaching session with his people arrayed facing him in pews with notebooks and bibles in hand. Helping the Christians to live, what he thinks is a life more like Christ. And some do mature and act more like Christ over time.

Both churches attract the people who agree with the pastors vision.

Both pastors serve the Lord with a clean conscience.

The older pastor publicly criticizes the younger (all but naming names) for putting on a show. But the older doesn’t realize he’s been putting on a different sort of religious show for a slightly different customer his entire life.

But both pastors are usurping the lord’s authority among his people. By the simple fact that they “run the church” and dominate the meetings even with the full blessing of their congregation. They dominate with their vision for how church should be and with the exact happenings of the well engineered gatherings. Both pastors are performing they just are adapted to different crowds.

Both pastors are men of integrity, have good motives, love God and people.

Neither thinks the way Christian meetings were held on the NT like in 1 Cor 14 apply to modern churches, for unknown and unspoken reasons.

With Him As Our Connection

If we can have fellowship around Jesus Christ together we really have something. With Him as our connection we have it all, we have the future. All our other beliefs and opinions and distinctions pale in comparison.

On the other hand, we can have a thousand other things in common, be blood relatives, think lock in step politically. Listen to the same sermons, love the same songs.

But if we are not on the same page about Jesus Christ and can’t discuss him freely. We don’t have a whole lot that is tangible or lasting together. If you are a Christian this is true about all your relationships.

Let Jesus freely have your relationships …all of them.

Make him top priority with your spouses and children, no need to get weird and overly spiritual, just soberly discuss him constantly.

Also, any group of people who cannot have face to face fellowship around Jesus Christ are not real ecclesia’s/ churches. If Jesus discussion makes things awkward, the group is something else religiously and something else that is not worth a lot of time.

I’d rather spend an hour fellowshipping over coffee with one or two brothers or sisters sharing Jesus back and forth (the real house of God). Than 3 hours in a crowd awkwardly and politely watching a great show about him.

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