The Law of Spirit of Life

I’ve said myself and heard it said many times if you “know better, then do better” basically “respond to what is right.” It’s frustrating to try to get people to respond to truth or to reality through persuasion only.

But responding takes an inner miracle within us. We can do our best by our own strength but that is extremely limited. That falls far short in even the strongest and most gifted of people. People love darkness over light.

The ability to respond to Jesus and to truth requires an inner miracle.

Many “woke” Christians are just legalists laying down new law after new law. They live by and thrive by guilt.

But, most of the “I’m free in Christ” Christians are confused libertines putting people in more bondage than the legalists are.

There is a balance, a law of the spirit of life that helps us to be free TO LIVE FOR Christ. We become able to shun the license to sin but do not reject our brethren for missing the mark (or missing our marks).

The law of the spirit of life is true grace, not pretend grace.

He Discipleship Us

I think that one of the best and most unique things about Jesus Christ is that he personally disciples his followers.

I remember ~5 years ago he told me to do a thing and in doing that thing he also told me to give up all thoughts of something (something I thought was good) that I had wanted for years. It was confusing and painful. But it led to an entire new universe of insight and newness in my closeness and understanding of the Lord. It was almost like a personal revival…at the age of 40.

I know people who’ve attended church for a lifetime, hearing sermon after sermon, pastor after pastor yet have not been discipled by the Lord. I know people pastoring who’ve made no obvious change or progress in 20 years to what they preach or their knowing of the Lord. They seem stuck in 20 years ago spiritually.

I know Christians who have no idea what discipleship even is, they think and are taught that discipleship is adding skills at putting on a church show. And when in this mindset, they show no sign of change or progress or spiritual maturity.

We cannot control if or how Jesus disciples us, we can just submit to one prompting after another. When he says “follow me” or “do this”, or “don’t do that”, we simply and quietly follow. Regardless of how confusing or painful or how it causes people to misunderstand and unfriend us.

There are major breakthroughs and leaps possible for us, but again only to the extent that we surrender and follow just him.

Psalm 32:9 reads “Be not like a horse or a mule, without understanding, which MUST BE CURBED with bit and bridle, or it will not STAY NEAR you.”

STAY NEAR to Jesus even when it distances you from people you admire and like and perhaps might want to follow around instead.

Click here for more on discipleship.

What Jesus Said About Himself

Two Ways to Be Discipled

Young Christian, there are two paths available for discipleship. If you feel the need to be discipled to make yourself more pleasing and fruitful to the Lord than you are today. One way will transform us into the image of Christ. The other way will have varied results.

  1. We can be discipled directly by Jesus, and we can slowly become useful to God (in a hidden way). By seeking him diligently (preferably with others) we learn to hear him inwardly then submit to his life, then we die daily with him, then gradually we are transformed into his image. This way can be slow and painful and is almost always out of the spotlight. OR….

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