A Type of Creativity That Few Will Acknowledge



A friend recently was amazed how easily that I solved a problem, he was amazed that he didn’t think of it years ago, he had been engineering and inventing around a certain technology for decades, his knowledge is impeccable on the topic.  He had explored and thought and pored over a problem for years.  To compare us intelligently on the topic is laughable.

I came in with total ignorance, completely unfamiliar with the problem.  I didn’t know the rules, I didn’t know the restrictions, I didn’t know how it had been done for decades so it was very easy for me to see the obvious problem and therefore the obvious solution.

Glaring me in the face was key to the solution and I casually solved it not fully understanding what I had done.

Sometimes the most stubborn problems are solved with a fresh, and ignorant set of eyes.

Ignorance is not necessarily a weakness, in creativity sometimes ignorance is a strength because you’re not chained down with the excessive knowledge of rules or perceived restrictions.

There are two types of creativity, intelligence-based, knowing every detail, every angle, every boundary and all the history. But there is also ignorance-based creativity with fresh eyes that are too naïve to know that “I couldn’t solve the problem that way.”

Those who have all their eggs in intelligence and experience and knowledge baskets don’t always like to acknowledge the strength of ignorance-based creativity but it is powerful and useful.

Turning Your Working Teams into Creative Mobs




Creative people are all over the place.  Most people are able to create but when they team up things get ‘complicated’ and  problems can arise.

Organizations with teams of creative people are not always able to create up to their potential.  Competition, incompetent leadership, low morale, office politics all can work against the “creative mob.”  The power of a mob is shocking, especially when they work together, when they’re organized and united.  Mobs can work together to quickly do what only large groups can do, destruction of property, sending messages, building homes, or impacting politics.  But, when a mob competes and is fractured it ceases to be a mob and is just chaos.   Imagine the possibilities of hundreds or even thousands of creative mobs working together, cooperating and not competing.

Nothing would be impossible for them.

Individual Creativity + Organizational Health = Large Scale Human Creativity


8 Reasons to Break Gound on Online Real Estate

I used to read posts from people like Michael Hyatt and Jeff Goins and Frank Viola about how everyone should start a blog and I thought they were a stretch.  But, after blogging for about 3 years I couldn’t agree with them more. Below are seven reasons that almost everyone should consider building their own home base on the web:

  1. You or your business or your ministry have a message to share with the world and it is longer than a 2 sentence Facebook post or a 140 character tweet.
  2. Your message and those who are listening to it deserve a well-built platform that you own and that you control and that people enjoy connecting with.
  3. Blogging gives you the routine and discipline of sitting down and creating something routinely. This is a powerful habit.
  4. Blogging helps you to work through what is inside your inner man, it helps you to craft your core message.  Even if no one is reading what you write, this benefit to you is reason enough to blog.
  5. Blogging gives you a voice, some of us need that voice, some of us need to be heard, some of us can help people and a blog give us a platform to speak.
  6. Blogging can provide a place where you can generate a stream income, whether it is launching a book you just wrote or it is selling a favorite book or favorite toys made by someone else through affiliate links, there are hundreds of ways to make money on a blog.
  7. If you have a business then a blog can provide a place to find new leads and even to better communicate with employees.
  8. It is wise to build on owned space on the net not rented space so that you can control what your followers, your web traffic see, take care of your followers and they will take care of you. Facebook, free blogging sites and other people’s blogs are rented space. Pay for hosting and you wont regret it.

Jeff Goins also wrote about this topic recently here.

If we have time for hours on Facebook or twitter or other people’s blogs a week then we have time to create our own blog.  There is no better way to reach large numbers of people around us than to create our own blog site linked to social media.

You can build a site for free or you can build a self-hosted (you own it) good-looking site in a few hours for ~$100 – $200.

Start creating something, start sharing the gifts that are inside rather than consuming everyone else’s.

There is a lot of ‘real estate’ still available on the web, when will you start building? I enjoy helping people with this, comment below or email me at collierak@me.com and I will help if you don’t know where to begin.

If you want to get started with your site please go to bluehost (affiliate link).

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