Book Pre-Launch Update

I’ve been asked recently about the status of my book by friends and family.  The status is that it is still with the editor, good editors are busy editors so I am happy to wait patiently for her edits.

I do need help though in launching this book if I am to sell more than one copy to my very supportive mother.

I am looking for a team of 25-50 people willing to share on their walls in social media the eventual amazon link to the book or to the coming book launch page on this site.  If you are willing could you email me at your willingness or please comment below at the bottom of this post? If you’d like to review the book first let me know and I can send you a portion of the manuscript.

Here is an unedited excerpt from the book where one emerges from the Lord and speaks directly to the reader:

“There was a holy one in heaven sitting on a throne of solid Sapphire; there was fire and light shown all around him and it looked like a rainbow of colors emanating from his being (see Ezekiel 1:26-28). He looked like a father gazing with love at his children, he rose to his feet and said “My beloved sons and daughters I must show you more of who I am, I must reveal to you more of all that I am and will be.” From the beginning to the end I am revealed, the history of creation from start to finish laid out for all.   He took one step and a bright light pierced through his side, like the sun appearing suddenly, it was as if he were splitting apart, the light was too bright for me to look into.   It looked as if a person was emerging from the light from his side, similar to how Eve was taken from Adam’s side; with great joy on the man’s face, he looked radiant and light was shining from his face and clothing as this happened.  He was clothed in a robe of white and he approached staring straight ahead with determination and joy.  He said ‘I am found in him, I am of him and yet a part of him, I exist in him, I exist because of him.  I am not separate from him but only for this one moment to explain all that he is to you. What I do and who I am is of him alone.‘I came from him and am just one portion, one aspect of the Lord Jesus Christ. I find my place in him, he is my home and my dwelling place, I am in him and I know myself by him. He is my wonderful dwelling place, for all of eternity.’ This first man was called The Beginning…

The foundation and spirit of this book is found in the following verse in Paul’s letter to the Philippians.  Paul said this near the end of his life, knowing the Lord and making him known was still his only and greatest passion.  This writing style is also found in Proverbs chapter 8 and in other places.

Philippians 3:10… that I might know him and the power of his resurrection

This book is a book which reveals and honors Jesus Christ in a way I’ve not seen done before, we all are growing in our knowledge of him.  If knowing Jesus Christ and making him known is important to you then I would ask you to consider helping me to launch this book project in the fall.

Those who agree to this will of course get a free copy of the book, my deep appreciation and a promise of returned favor.

Jesus Christ … in First Person


As you may know I enjoy writing about creativity and about Jesus Christ on this site.  So I want to share a project I have been working on for about 4 months…

My 3 Hours in the Mountain

Three Hours in Mount Columbia

In early May I traveled to Buena Vista, Colorado staying in a cabin at the base of Mount Columbia. I was there with my wife and 5 children on vacation at about 9000 feet in elevation thanks to the generosity of Ken and Diane Davis. One Sunday that we were there we stayed in the cabin after a very dangerous day of hail and blizzard conditions near Colorado Springs. As terrifying that 4-hour ride home was last night (should have been 2), Sunday was as good. Days like that are what vacations are all about for me. A time to write, to pray and a time to reflect about the path we are on.

I spent about hours in the mountain, it felt like those 3 hours exploring and praying negated a year of life-stress for me. I hiked up 3 Elks Stream Trail up to the base of Mount Columbia, it was calling me. The temperature was 45 and sunny and the 6″ of snow from last night was quickly melting away in the sun. It was dropping from the trees, filling up the stream for me to drink. I walked about a mile up the trail.

Colorado Wildlife

I saw many signs of Rocky Mountain life including a large coyote print in the snow, the paw was shockingly large, larger than what we see in NY. I also saw a large dropping from an elk and his hoof prints. As I wrote this I heard maybe the same coyote calling near where I was sitting taking photos earlier.

As I walked back to the cabin I heard an Elk calling from about 200 yards down in another raveen so I decided to walk down in pursuit. This raveen then brought me to another part of the mountain where it is too steep to walk.  I walked up as far as I could then sat down and took pictures of the breath-taking view. In one photo I saw a hawk soaring …below me. I sitting on a very steep area from where the hawk was soaring with the mountains in the background on the other side.

above a soaring hawk

above a soaring hawk

Book Ideas

I also started writing a book on this trip. Its a book about how creativity is the result of the communion and love between God and man. Some chapters of this book is already written. After seeing another corner of God’s creation (Rocky Mountains) and reading the creation story in Genesis and John, I realized that the entire creation. The universe itself, all of humanity is a result from the mutual love and communion between the Father and Son. The Greek word for this love and communion is koinonia.

The premise of the book explores the fact that all of creation is a result of their unmatched love and shared life.  This is the reason for life, this is the purpose of the creation. The mutual communion between people and God and then people with other people is the key driver of human creativity. I see many of examples of this.

Rocky Mountain Coyote Track

Rocky Mountain Coyote Track

Thanks for reading.


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