Spiritual Assumptions

For the few Christians who actively hear things from the Spirit of God periodically or intermittently. How we react to what we hear is very important. Being led of the Spirit seems to be decreasing among Christians I circle with. But there are some who actively seek and expect to hear from Jesus Christ. And a common thing I have done and seen others do is to use their logical minds to make assumptions about what God means.

When God speaks something to us or leads us in a certain direction. We should learn to stop and never again add to it with our logic. “God said this … must be then that means this….” We often with impatience project our logical assumptions onto God.

Instead just let him continue the conversation, wait on him to continue.

Example: if a young person feels led to serve God with their life they should not immediately conclude they need to go to seminar and/or pursue an income from a church. We make the spiritual assumption: “Must be God wants me to run a church for Jesus.” that may be a huge mistake.

All the disciples of Jesus had logical expectations on Jesus and he did not meet any of them. They would often try to add to what he was saying with bad assumptions.

Perfectly logical, bad assumptions do GREAT damage to what God is saying to us. They can divert us onto paths he does not have for us or divert us away from paths that he wants for us.

Assumptions can often deceive us and make us into liars if we project them, click here for another example of this.

Getting FB Blocked

I don’t like getting blocked on Facebook because I can’t even finish the conversation, we can’t even respectfully agree to disagree, it’s like slamming the door and walking away, with hands over ears.

I was FB blocked by a pastor yesterday essentially for agreeing in the wrong way about a major problem in his church. I agreed with the problem he had identified but I attributed the problem to something fundamental that reflected on his ministry philosophy, but he wanted to blame his followers.

Feeding weaker followers guilt (abuse) is much easier than rethinking and abandoning, ineffective, worn out tradition.

Ironically sometimes the youngest and most passionate Christians, are also the most rigid and unwilling to question tradition.

Word of God Teller

All teachings and declarations of truth in the church was designed to have checks and balances. There should not be top-down, one-shepherd feeding many sheep the word of God. At least not beyond an initial phase of training and discipleship (maybe a year).

Periodic times of special teaching are fine, but this is rare and only by an equal member of the body. Or special teachings come by someone outside the body who come to help a group get through a problem. These equal members are not permanently above in some hierarchy over the other members. In all things there is to be equality. These are a few of the ways that bodies of Christ functioned in the New Testament.

A permanent class or office of “word of God teller” who receive tithes from to a large group of inactive “Word of God hearers.” Otherwise known as tithe payers, is just not scriptural…it is actually unbecoming a Christian fellowship. In whom Jesus himself dwells. I realize that is hard to hear by someone raised in a church system but it is true nonetheless.

Christians are equal and we work out the mind of Christ together in back and forth spiritual fellowship and conversation. All Christians are intended to be word of God tellers and word of God hearers.

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