The Privileged And The Protesting

White privilege is real in many places.

Money privilege is real everywhere.

Government privilege is real everywhere.

As of today, May 30, 2020 there have been 4 straight days of protests and rioting over the killing of George Floyd (an African American) by a white city police officer in Minneapolis Minnesota. Many businesses have been destroyed and looted, Wendy’s, Target’s, Autozone’s, new apartment complex’s completely looted and/ or destroyed. Quite possibly, driving these businesses from these neighborhoods forever.

These protests have broken out in many cities. I notice that whenever there is a racially motivated killing, (or what appears to be a racially motivated killing) tremendous anger and oven protests break out, sometimes rioting and looting and vandalizing. Anger over this is understandable given our country’s history.

The police officer who choked this man to death with his knee has been arrested and is being charged with murder. No one has defended his actions or is saying what he did was appropriate.

So why the sustained rage and rioting and spreading of protests? What else might be going on here?

What Else is Going On Here?

I think something else is going on here that few are talking about. It’s easy to say its politically motivated and bad actors are at play (even though they may be) but I can’t help but wonder if the anger and rage may be misdirected. I wonder if the rage and violence we see is actually a result of other feelings of different types of disadvantage that people are experiencing.

For example, in Minneapolis there are many video clips of white kids destroying black-owned properties. I’m sure they were not thinking this through but, destruction of others people’s property not knowing (or caring) who it belongs to, (it may have even been owned by George Floyd himself) is a display of rage aimed at money privilege, not racial privilege.

Furthermore, I believe there is a good chance that the killing of George Floyd was as much motivated by government privilege (manifesting as police brutality) as it was by race. That officer likely had an attitude that “I will do what I need to do to restrain this man even if he is not resisting any more.” Even though he had all his weight on his neck and his life was in danger and people were calling his attention to it. Also George could be heard saying “I can’t breathe”, what sort of lunatic thinks they can inflict that on someone else? A government thug drunk on his power, who thinks they can do what they want to people to maintain control. To be fair, we cannot know his motivations with certainty?

The End of All Wordly Privilege

As in all things the cure and reversal of all the evils on earth is found within the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ has destroyed all racial privilege, hatred and prejudice in himself. Ending the racial divisions from Adam and Eve and creating in himself one new humanity. In Jesus Christ, there is no Jew, no gentile, no black, no white and no Asian people. All are one in Jesus Christ, all are equal, in Him our physical genetics no longer matter. Jesus Christ has destroyed all racial animosity once and for all within himself.

Jesus Christ has destroyed all financial privilege. In Jesus Christ “let the poor say I am rich.” In Jesus Christ the rich are to give to the poor and the poor are to work with their hands so they too can have money to give to other poor. In Jesus Christ the abundance of one Christian is intended to supply the lack of another Christian.

Jesus Christ has destroyed all government privilege. The evil principalities and powers who have terrorized mankind since the fall are subject to the Lord Jesus. The ecclesia exists to pray for the government. The government powers are to be separated from one another because they are not to be trusted and Jesus is the only real rightful king of the earth. The government exists to maintain peace and quietness. The government is to be held accountable to the people of the ecclesia of Jesus Christ.

Christian Lessons From WW1

Been studying WW1 history. What a nightmare, a four-year horror show which changed the world.

The worst war that this world has ever seen, as far as large scale human suffering is concerned was this war. And if you think about it, it was mostly waged by Christians against other Christians. All competing for land, money and “glory”. There are remarkable lessons there for us all.

What particularly interests me about this war was that most of the major actors, and particularly the ones that played a major role we’re supposed Christian nations. So called Christendom was at war with itself.

Most of Europe were Christians. Protestants in Germany, Catholics in France and Italy, Orthodox Christians in Russia, and Church of England in England.

In WW2 unlike WW1 everyone was fighting blatant evil in Hitler and the cult in the Japanese government.

But in WW1 it was primarily Christian dominated governments fighting for money, land, and power.

At the start of WW1 most people were excited to get into it for “glory”. It was almost like a sport for many involved.

But how quickly their thinking changed after 1914.

I believe God allowed that war to break something in his people. An evil stronghold needed to be broken in them, it was a twisted love of the world. A lust for human government, for wealth, and for power. It was a Christian cooperation with the principalities and powers in the kingdom of darkness and it resulted in unspeakable suffering, 22 million deaths, and widespread famine. In a part of the world that was normally quite prosperous.

That is what Christians do when we go after government, to supply us power and money, we join Satan’s kingdom of darkness. We cooperate with and we submit to him. Even to the point killing our brethren for an deceptively evil idea of personal ‘glory’.

kissing Jesus while betraying him

Refusing Persecution

If we refuse to be manipulated, abused, persecuted and taken advantage of..

Because we can see it coming, and are skilled at exposing and avoiding and escaping all the schemes of evil men.

Being able to see the schemes does not necessarily mean we have Gods permission or power to avoid or escape them.

“And he said this plainly. And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. But turning and seeing his disciples, he rebuked Peter and said, “Get behind me, Satan! For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.””
‭‭Mark‬ ‭8:32-33‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Peter knew there was an evil scheme awaiting Jesus, and was trying to help Jesus to avoid it. Jesus responded to him “get behind me Satan”. It was God’s plan for Jesus to walk into a trap of suffering and death. Peter assumed, because it seemed terrible and evil, that must be it was not a thing God wanted

If we are constantly activists against evil schemes, some of which succeed (temporarily). Then we may, at times, find ourselves refusing to follow Jesus Christ. We may even find ourselves fighting and undermining what Jesus is doing in the earth. We may get swept up in a battle he simply is not fighting. Using our limited ability to see the big picture and logic we may find ourselves taking a side that seems good but is not necessarily his side.

He may intentionally lead us into trouble, he just may have that for us for a time. That may be in our cup to bear. And if He is our Lord that should be ok with us.

Following his path for us just might result in humiliation, injustice, and peril. If he wants us to take all that, it’s our job to not whine and to accept it. Like a good soldier, and like a loyal bond-slave.

So don’t spend your days as an activist an antagonist of Satan and his helpers. Instead spend your days as an obsessed activist of Jesus Christ and come what may, take it all as his will for you.

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