A Spiritual Insight from Newlyweds

Recently three couples we know were married.  All three of these couples are Christians in their early 20’s.  After talking with these young couples I was reminded of a spiritual insight that I had forgotten.

Breaking from Tradition

95thesesI had an idea today.  What if all Christians, all believers in Jesus Christ took a time from tradition, a time of reflection and reset specifically from our traditions. We could call it a year of Jubilee from tradition.

Knowing Jesus Christ

It is hard for me to talk about this topic without offending people who I love and do not want to offend in the slightest, wonderful people who love and serve God with humility and sincerity. This post is not aimed at anyone in particular, it is aimed at myself as much as it is others.

It seems like whenever I write about church meetings  or ministry strategies that pastors and those loyal to pastors (of which I am one) question my motives.  But…I believe that God wants me to share this with Christians, so let me say it in writing on my little space on the web.

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