Book Review – The Incomparable Christ

The Incomparable Christ

Every once in a while I find a valuable gem of a book written decades ago that few people know or talk about. Christ Incomparable was the original title of this easy read of a book. This book is a gem, it is entitled The Incomparable Christ written by J. Oswald Sanders. Originally written in 1952 this book was enlarged and revised in 1971.

J. Oswald Sanders (1917-1992) was a Christian leader for nearly seventy years and authored more than forty books on the Christian life. Including The Incomparable Christ, Spiritual Discipleship, Spiritual Leadership, and Spiritual Maturity. He left a promising law practice in his native New Zealand. He left to serve as an instructor and administrator at the Bible College of New Zealand. Dr. Sanders later became general director of the China Inland Mission and now the Overseas Missionary Fellowship. And was instrumental in beginning many new missions projects throughout East Asia.

A Few Things I Appreciate About This book:

  • The way that Sanders takes a normally overlooked detail of Jesus in Scripture and expands it. He provides a deeper and more significant fresh look at Jesus Christ. Things like the 12-year old Christ staying at the temple and his life as a carpenter.
  • The poems at the end of the short chapters add a beautiful emphasis on each chapter.
  • The Chapter about the baptism of Jesus Christ. In this chapter Sanders noticed the change in John the Baptist who completely changed his tune when Jesus came. John who had been calling for repentance and who had rebuked the Pharisees and turned them away. Was now suddenly stuck by the sense of his own unfitness to baptize Jesus

I highly recommend this book, pick up a copy today

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