statue of saint peter

Foundation Stones of The Gospel of Peter

Every Christian leader has his or her take on the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ. I’ve been studying the life and the gospel and the ministry of the Apostle Simon Peter and his two letters in the New Testament (1 Peter & 2 Peter).

In these two letters I’ve found what I think are about Five Foundational Stones upon which those letters are founded. Peter would make these spiritual points and then elaborate at great length on the implications to these points. He would assume knowledge of these points about the Lord in his readers, and then based on a good portion of new teachings on these points for his followers.

1. The Suffering and Glory of Jesus Christ.

2. Jesus Christ was foreknown before the foundation of the world, (God still has his Eternal Purpose, and Jesus Christ is still central to it, that should give us great joy and hope.)

3. Increasing in the Knowledge of Jesus Christ is central to the Christian life.

4. Jesus Christ is currently an approachable, good and reliable shepherd for the Christian.

5. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ enables us to be born again. And his delay in returning is enabling more children into his kingdom through the preaching of his followers. The born again members of his kingdom on earth are the new Spiritual Israel.

The apostle Peter was an amazing man. I hope to teach in detail on the Apostle Peter soon and his gospel. And to elaborate on these five pillars and all there remarkable implications for the Christian today.

Here is another great resource, a book on the apostle Peter (by T. Austin Sparks).

anxious woman touching head while looking at crop female during argument

Neither Grumbling Nor Disputing

“Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain. Even if I am to be poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrificial offering of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all. Likewise you also should be glad and rejoice with me.” - Philippians 2:14-18

1) According to the apostle Paul grumbling and disputing is a display of spiritual impurity. Think about that for a moment, ask yourself “do I grumble and do I dispute with people?” If so it is a sign of impurity. And a sign that a Christian or a group of Christians are not holding fast to the word of life (to Jesus Christ Himself). Furthermore it dims the light that shines out of a Christian, or out from groups of Christians.

Which light or lack thereof, is being observed by the people around us, referred to by Paul as “the crooked generations.”

2) Furthermore, Paul compares the faith of a church to a sacrificial offering. And his own life laid down is compared to a drink offering poured out upon that offering.

This reminds me of the Great Day of the feast. Jesus Christ calls all men “come unto me all who are thirsty and drink” and then “whoever believes in me out of his belly will flow”. Himself being that drink of living water poured out. John 7:37-38. Those who believe being the faith/ the offering. Jesus’ life being the drink offering, like the water libation poured out Or the blood sprinkled on the sacrifice.

And to the point of this article, we ought not make these “sacrifices” and “offerings” impure by grumbling against others or by pointless disputing with anyone.

Only Pure “waters” are to flow out of resurrected believers by the Holy Spirit. And they are to remain pure.

Telling Jesus’ Thoughts on God?

The band Dishwalla released a song entitled “Counting Blue Cars”, it’s main chorus is “Tell Me All Your Thoughts on God“. This song is one of the most heavily played song on the radio over the past 28 years.

When this released in 1995 I immediately was struck about the phrase, first because it seems like a call to evangelize. But later because a Christian’s thoughts about God determines so much. They define us in most every way.

Are our thoughts on God, small? Is God distant and impersonal?, is he strict and exacting? Is he carefree like a hippy?

Are they shallow self-centered thoughts, just there to get us rich and “blessed”? Are they even accurate to reality? Do they track closely with Jesus Christ? … All this matters greatly.

Christian’s collective thoughts about God determines their lives, and then that determines the church…and then that determines largely the society that they affect …or neglect.

But before those thoughts can exist …the particular gospel that individuals and groups of Christians have embraced and teach, form those thoughts. Our thoughts on God reflect the foundation of our Christian lives.

We should always reconsider and be willing to re-look at the foundations of our Christian lives, which determines most everything about us. And we can always be corrected and updated by the Lord.

It is good that we reconsider and focus on our gospel dear Christian, if it does not explain why we all exist, if it does not explain Gods purpose. If it does not walk us through ALL of the Bible with a clear light of understanding. Interpreting it as we go in the light of Jesus Christ. If it does not predict the future. If it does not create the ecclesia/ church that we read about in the New Testament. If it has nothing for the majority of Christians beyond a padded church pew bench and an offering plate.

THEN there is MUCH improvement yet to be had. And that gospel has much room to be corrected and its centuries-long traditional blanks filled in. Filled in to be more accurate to that gospel of King Jesus, aka the Gospel of the kingdom. The one preached by John the Baptist, by Jesus Christ himself, and by the apostles.

One of my current goals and the season that I believe the Lord has me in, is to compile that gospel into a series of teaching notes and videos, as best as I am able. I am about 15% (April 2023) through this process but it is an undertaking that is massive. At least 70 hours of teaching are required for this, it will become “all my thoughts on God.” What matters supremely, above and before all things is all Jesus’ thoughts on God. IF we can adopt all his thoughts on God then, we’ve accomplished something and all of humantiy will be better off for it, and will be ministered to.

But, it may cause us trouble, it may cause us great turmoil, it may even cost us our lives, but that is ok.

It is one thing to have many and varied and disconnected thoughts about God, random facts and truths. But its another thing to have them complied into one gospel that Jesus Christ himself interprets for us. A gospel which produces churches and is itself the discipleship “program” for new Christians. That gospel which also produced the early church, must be recovered for today’s generations. I beleive this is one of my assignments from the Lord. To “interpret” this gospel to my world, to my neck of the woods, to my friends and family and whomever will listen. This gospel begins in eternity past with the glory of God (see John 17 and Ephesians 1), and ends in the future as taught in the apostle John’s book of Revelations.

If you are reading this PLEASE pray for me and for this undertaking!

And then tell me some of your thoughts on God in the comments below.

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