Coming Soon…The 5 Creative Languages Test

the 5 creative languages1

People have been asking me for Creativity Training so I am working on a creativity test similar to a personality test, I’m also thinking of putting together a video course. If you’re interested, let me know by signing up below.


Creativity is not well understood, most just think those of us who are artistic are the only creative ones in society.

I can’t disagree more, I think art is only one of five languages of creativity.

I have been working in R&D for over 17 years and as a result I have learned a lot about human creativity and ingenuity.

Recently I have been able to categorize human creativity into 5 creative languages, we all have one and few of us understand what our language is.

Creativity is built within our DNA.

Tweet: “Creativity is built into our DNA” – @Colliers2

If we can discover how we create, our language of creativity, then we can begin our process of becoming more creative, more fruitful and all the varied benefits that come with that.

More creativity can have an impact on us financially, it can guide us if we start a business, can direct a career change, it can help us to start or find a ministry, or even start a new hobby.

I am excited about this test and can’t wait to go live with it, it is similar to a personality test but is more applicable in that it guides the user in how they should approach creativity. Use this test to start a new chapter in your life.

If you are interested in this Creative Languages Test please sign up below for updates when this test is ready.


Creating with Create Space



Creating books is now easier than ever. No longer do we need to convince a publisher that our books are worthy, with some time and a little money and we can create an amazing book to sell to our audience. Amazon has a system that takes authors through the publishing process, this system is called Create Space. If you are able to write you should consider writing a book.   I believe that everyone should consider writing a book.

  1. Writing is the ultimate exercise in creating something from nothing, and creating begins to speak to your purpose
  2. Your writing helps other people, through education, entertainment or sharing nuggets of wisdom, what you have others need, a book may be your only method to ever share that part of you.
  3. Writing helps you to sort out your thoughts, someone once said that our thoughts untangle themselves through the pen and paper.  There is a blessing that comes to the author as she writes out her book or post.

My mother understands the joy and power of writing books, she is good at it and has been doing it for years, she has sold an impressive amount of books and articles without a blog or author platform. Her latest book and the first one created using CreateSpace is now available just in time for the holiday season.

A Heart Felt Christmas by Christine Collier, is a Christian romance with humor and a touch of mystery has been published through CreateSpace just in time for Christmas and is a great read.



No matter what your topic is or your style of writing consider writing your own book, the first one will be a big project, mine has been going on for several years now but it works itself out as I sit down to write.

What book is inside of you waiting to get written?

Announcement & Thank You


Thank you to Brad Underwood for giving me (for free) the url name  This is great news because I’ve had my eye on this url for more than a year now, this will replace my current url last name ( shortly.

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