By Their Fruit

“You shall know them by their fruit.“ In context in Matt 7 was said for preachers and looking at the fruit that their messages produced.

It was not to be applied to every individual Christian to judge them. Were it used against all Christians, we’d all be lost.

What sort of gospel or message does a preacher produce?

Then what sort of church does that gospel produce?

Jesus determines the fruit type; converts and followers is not fruit. That happens even with terrible gospels of deception, Islam has many followers and “converts” which are more a measure of leadership ability.

Fruit is repentance, fruit is yielding and surrender to the Holy Spirit, fruit is equality, fruit is giving to the poor, fruit is people putting others before themselves. Fruit is giving to the poor. Fruit is people loving others not like themselves, from older generations and younger. Making room for others. This is real fruit of the gospel of the kingdom.

Not crowds of religious groupies and not demanding your way, and that your vision be satisfied.

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