Be More Productive by Knowing Your Situation

I often have a hard time being productive on the weekend. I usually take Saturday off from work and try to be productive in other ways.  We have several young children so there are a countless amount of things to work on when home.


I have this thing about feeling productive all the time. So caring for the physical needs of the kids usually feels frustrating unless I am multitasking and feeling like I am getting something else done.

The trouble is when I try to get other things done like writing or reading or planning or working on the house I never seem to be able to make alot of progress.

I cant make progress because the 1 year old just fell off the chair, or because she just dumped a glass of milk all over herself and the rug.  I cant make progress because our 3 year old has to go potty right now and needs help with the process.

I can’t make progress because the 5 year old wants to play with me and help him change his clothes to play out side.

I can’t make progress because the 7 year old is trashing her room and needs a little correction.  I can’t make progress because my 9 year old needs help with her math immediately.

This cycle tends to repeat itself.  So I give in and stay “unproductive”, but the truth is, when I am caring for the kids, then I do a better job at it when I am only caring for the kids.  When I go to work then it is time to only work… doing tasks for my company.  When its time to write, it is time to only write.  When its time to read then its only time to read.  The lie of multitasking is that you are getting more things done, in reality your getting less.  There is a time and a place for every situation.

Every task that is before me is productive and important.  Even changing diapers and cleaning milk.

I’m starting to catch up with my wife on this concept.

Just caring for the kids, keeping them safe, keeping them fed, keeping them clothed, keeping them civil toward one another, keeping them on a schedule, keeping them warm, keeping them dry are productive things to do with my time.

That is my situation right now…I am ok with that.

Are you able to multitask while caring for young children?

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