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Personal Calling or Religious Ego

A religious version of ego sometimes looks like

“I have a personal ministry and calling.”

In Jesus Christ people do have a personal callings but to have that front and center in our pursuits, to force that to be how we earn money, to force that upon other Christians. Or to be constantly consumed with finding out what it is, and to disciple new converts to do that is often just Religious Ego.

Make knowing Jesus Christ with and submitted to other people your personal calling and ministry. He will then usher you on the right path, its that simple. End of story it’s all found inside of him.

Kill your daily ego with genuine humility, and with yielding to other Christians.

The Door Out

“So Jesus again said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.”

John 10:7-9 ESV

Jesus Christ is the door into heaven yes but just as importantly to us he is the door out of Satan’s kingdom of darkness which currently is on earth.

The kingdom we are all born into, which is so DEPRESSING and hopeless.

If we are becoming one with the kingdom of darkness we fight for it, want to make it ours, try to control it by throwing our money around or through our politicians. Make it better, without first coming to terms with its king.

But it is NOT ours, it is Satan’s, and we cannot handle him on our terms.

We need to first and forever spiritually leave his kingdom and be transferred into the kingdom of Jesus Christ, then we can bring HIS kingdom here through utter and complete surrender to him … yielding until the point of death.

a healthy depression

Daddy-Issues Theology

In Christ, the opposite of legalism is not brazen, in-your-face worldliness (libertinism).

And the opposite of sinful worldliness (libertinism) is not legalism.

Jesus Christ is the opposite of both.

He’s not a legalist and doesn’t boast about that with new found worldliness.

He’s not a boastful sinner and doesn’t display that by acting like a strict legalistic.

I’ve noticed in some church circles each generation takes turns being opposite of the one before.

It’s like a daddy-issues theology. “I am mad at daddy, I haven’t gotten over it, (because I am led primarily by emotion). So I’m going to rebel and be opposite of him.”

It is not at all like this in Jesus Christ.

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