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Money-Focused “Missions” Work

I went overseas once on a mission trip and I do hope to again. Recently it occurred to me that having extra money greatly interferes with the missionary work that the Lord is involved with. Because it fools wealthy Christians into thinking God wants them to throw their money around as a missionary.

Sometimes I wish there were a visible display of spiritual health and prosperity instead of money and nice buildings.

If there were then I’m not sure so many rich people would be the ones traveling overseas and seen as the Christians who should have authority and credibility.

I think some 3rd world Christians who don’t always have enough to even eat and who are being harassed, abused, and pursued ought to be the ones coming here. And telling us to take our “deceitful riches” elsewhere to deceive someone else.

If all we want to do is help the poor with our money just send cash via Western Union to individuals or donate to a company or charity overseas rather than making it about ourselves.

“But Peter said to him, “May your silver perish with you, because you thought you could obtain the gift of God with money! You have neither part nor lot in this matter, for your heart is not right before God. Repent, therefore, of this wickedness of yours, and pray to the Lord that, if possible, the intent of your heart may be forgiven you.”

Acts 8:20-22 ESV

“I Am The Door” (out) Part 2

Jesus said “I am the door”

The way to walk through the door is to follow after him, to seek him constantly every morning.

Doors have no real value unless we walk through them.

To walk through Jesus is also to leave Satan’s dark kingdom of evil.

It’s no use staying in Satan’s kingdom and saying to everyone “look, all is evil, all is darkness”, even if that’s true. Without also opening the door out for them.

Walk through Jesus, then turn around so you can see Satan’s kingdom clearly.

If we can, if we will do that we can see clearly all that is not of Jesus. And we may be very surprised to see it might include what we we’ve always said “that’s the church.”

Unoffendable Teachings

UNOFFENDABLE teaching (which I see in so many books and at so many churches) is just terrible nonsense to teach a group of people who are supposed to be assembling as a community of Jesus followers.

Were not Jesus’ followers often offended? Is not the New Testamenhvbfull of offense over and over again.

Jesus himself was offended at evil and wrong things happening in the temple, more than once.

Harping on your people being unoffendable is to Demand a conflict-free crowd (is to make them pretend to not be offended) is abusive leadership… not wanting to deal with hurt people. Cowardly legalism.

It’s the Christian churchy version of “conceal it don’t feel it” song from Frozen.

Or perhaps it’s leaders wanting the freedom to hurt people but not deal with hurt people, you are offended ? Then leave in shame find a church you can be distant enough to not be offended at.

I know of many people hurt in church who left in silent pain, deeply hurt, who themselves had taught others “you can’t get offended, that’s immature”.


Get offended and go work it out face to face, the offended person might just be right on, their offense might be the mind of Christ and you might have sided with Satan without knowing it.

Offense is normal, conflict is good, VERY good. That’s what families do.

Care about what upsets your brother or sister don’t lay down laws upon them, like a cold-hearted bureaucrat.

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