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Here are my most recent posts

Leading Us Around

The kingdom of Jesus is like:

A people who submit to God and are being led around by him directly… from within.

The kingdom of darkness is like:

A blind group of kids led around by other people’s pressure to fit in, to compete well, to keep up, to have fun and pleasure.

One Nation

“One nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all.”

This is actually a good description of the ecclesia, the church as Jesus started it.


When the US govt adopted separation of God from state (from themselves) as an unwritten motto, they essentially eradicated this entire motto.

Cross out God and the whole thing collapses with all the stability and goodness that he brings.

“One nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all.”

Sadly now it seems we are two nations that are each themselves divisible with liberty and justice for some. With slavery and injustice for others.

How Things Are (grumble)

It’s of little use to complain about how things should be or how things should not be.

Or about how things are or are not.

All we can do is cooperate with the kingdom of Jesus Christ. Not try to make things happen, and not try to beat back his enemy. And in that cooperation we create his kingdom to replace the things that are not of the Lord.

Replace the satanic situations here on earth with cooperating Jesus people. Flow with his DNA, don’t bother grumbling and whining about the DNA of Satan you see in the earth any more.

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