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Here are my most recent posts

Do Only What HE Does

I see preachers online asking for things that the Lord just is not doing himself and never has done. Asking him to bless their effort. They think if they say things like “in the mighty name of Jesus” that requires his blessing, perhaps they have their reward already. That phrase in scripture implies a Christian is already in the known will of the God. It’s not to be used as a spit stamp of approval.

Often with respect to so many Christian ministries Jesus is off to the side doing something completely different, he just continues gently and patiently “follow me”, “you are to cooperate with me.”

It’s like my 4 year old asking me to help him dig a hole in the yard with his pretend plastic shovel while I’m over cutting, splitting, and stacking wood.

“Help me son, you can’t see what I can see coming, what I am doing is important work.”

We must pray according to the will of the father.

Is the father holding mega conferences in mega churches and hosting online Christian music concerts?

Is the father he collecting millions of dollars in offerings to enrich himself?

a healthy depression

Everything we Worry About

It doesn’t seem like this is true but…Everything that we feel the need to:

worry about

be anxious about

Pound our fists and raise alarms over

and be fearful of

Has been completely and specifically taken care of in the death of Jesus Christ.

He killed all that should ever concern us, and going forward He has all we will ever need.

If we prefer to live outside of him? To not trust him to not believe in him as God. Well we can do that but if we do we are headed for a terribly painful walk.

Let not your hearts be troubled you believe in God believe also in me. – Jesus Christ

Jesus is basically saying to his own disciples here “do not fret about terrible things, because you’re with me, just trust me, I am God.” He says this to everyone who is firstly following diligently him (like his disciples here in this passage) and secondly to everyone who trusts in him as God.

The Law of Spirit of Life

I’ve said myself and heard it said many times if you “know better, then do better” basically “respond to what is right.” It’s frustrating to try to get people to respond to truth or to reality through persuasion only.

But responding takes an inner miracle within us. We can do our best by our own strength but that is extremely limited. That falls far short in even the strongest and most gifted of people. People love darkness over light.

The ability to respond to Jesus and to truth requires an inner miracle.

Many “woke” Christians are just legalists laying down new law after new law. They live by and thrive by guilt.

But, most of the “I’m free in Christ” Christians are confused libertines putting people in more bondage than the legalists are.

There is a balance, a law of the spirit of life that helps us to be free TO LIVE FOR Christ. We become able to shun the license to sin but do not reject our brethren for missing the mark (or missing our marks).

The law of the spirit of life is true grace, not pretend grace.

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