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Let Only Jesus Define Other People

If a Christian needs to force people into a mold, before they can accept them as friends. If they must be on board with a strange list of criteria, which can be a list of preferences by someone they admire. A certain clergyman, of family of pastors or leaders.

This is not an attitude from God. On the contrary it is quite godless.

The only valid group or family to test people by is Jesus Christ himself. If someone else fills that role for us we have been taken by powerful personalities and we essentially are brain washed.

“I follow Paul, I follow Apollo’s” or I follow Calvin, I follow Pentecostals. Or I follow this family of pastors. Is an immature and unchristian way to think and treat others.

We should let our mind be cleaned up by the Lord. Only Jesus Christ links us to or separates a Christian from other people.

If someone else does this for us then we are in a really bad spot. Which won’t serve us well, it won’t hold up long term.

We need only Jesus to define people for us.

Emotional Love Vs. Spiritual Love

Human emotional love is more determined by motives than by actions.

For example: Jesus can love us through one another, sharing with us, comforting us and encouraging us with his pure and righteous selfless motivations.

And another person can love us with absolutely identical actions and words, even citing, quoting and trying to speak on behalf of Jesus. Yet have inner self-serving motivations. Where the motivations fail the emotions must take over.

By outward appearances they look identical. But the inward motivation in the latter is corrupt.

The love of Jesus cannot be copied and fit into a marketing campaign. The extent that it can is the extent that it has been corrupted by self-serving human emotional love. Which is its own reward, it’s not supported by the Lord, it’s foundation is weak and sinking.

Especially if it pretends to be the love of God, which seems to happen often in church settings.

Spiritual vs Emotional Love

There is spiritual love found through Jesus Christ. It’s him loving through us.

But there is also an emotional love.

The first is found in, through, and by Jesus Christ living within, its not offended at conflict, it loves truth and it soberly embraces reality.

The latter is emotional, it has ulterior and subversive motives of apprehending, controlling, and manipulating weaker people, in order to fit them into the stronger persons vision or will about love, fellowship and about Christian gatherings.

Top priority of any Christian who gathers with others is to be able to understand how people are loving them. Protect themselves from the non-spiritual types of V love. And then develop themselves, the ability to love others in a spiritual and not an emotional way.

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